I installed 1.3.1 and everything in the configuration wizard went well (no errors) except for jhead. I entered my admin password also.
However, when I access my Gallery page and try to login, I get the "Invalid username or password" error message. I know that I am using the correct password.
But in the configuration wizard, Gallery has never asked me for my username. How does it know my username? What would it be according to Gallery?
I have a php-cgiwrap file in my cgi-bin. (I thought maybe that was the problem so I deleted it, but it made Gallery unaccessible so I put it back in.)
My Web host (pair.com) has Unix/FreeBSD 4.1.1/Apache, PHP 4.1.2, MySQL 3.23.49.
I use MSIE 5.
Thank you for your attention.
Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 487
Hmmm.... the administration user is simply 'admin'.
When you go through the configuration process it tells you
to set a password for the admin account, hopefully you did this.
Otherwise I'm not sure, I don't know offhand if Gallery requires
sessions and cookies support, but if they didn't compile those into
php it's possible it would cause a problem.
Posts: 9
Admin!! Yes thank you! I could login with "admin."
Other php programs always asked me for a username so I couldn't figure it out with Gallery.
Thanks so much.