I was having trouble accessing the setup/index.php config wizard. I read on the forum that someone (from Europe) was having the same trouble. They were told to delete the .htaccess file since it's most likely the webhost wasn't allowing access to it.
I did that. I was able to run the setup. Initially, in the front setup page, it said, "Can access .htaccess". But, once I get all the way through the conifg wizard, I have this error: "You must create an empty file named .htaccess and chmod it 777 before proceeding."
How can I get around this if when I create the empty 777 .htaccess file my wizard doesn't run?
Posts: 13451
frisbee, there are two .htaccess files. One in setup/ ( FAQ Gallery:c.1 ) and the one in the main gallery/ directory. The one you should delete if having problems running the config wizard, is the one in setup. The one in gallery/ is the one yoiu are supposed to create and chmod.
Posts: 14
When I have the .htaccess file in the gallery/ directory, I still can't run the configuration. I deleted the .htaccess from the setup directory with the same results.
The only way I get to run the wizard is with no .htaccess (777) in the gallery directory.
Is it possible to point it to another .htaccess file somewhere else? I think I have access to one on the root of my webserver user? (or somewhere)
(I don't host my own. I'm using "Host Acres".)
Posts: 13451
frisbee, thats strange, but your host will be better suited to answer this I guess.
Posts: 14
My webserver turned on error logging for me so I could find out what's going on. The error I get is:
hsphere/local/home/lestercm/frisbeeflingers.com/gallery/.htaccess: Invalid command '{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I'm unfamiliar with this error. I've checked my .htaccess file and don't see anything apparent wrong. I've put in a ticket with my host to see if it's something on the server but I wanted to see if anyone here was familiar with it, too.
Thanks again for all the info,
Posts: 14
If I delete my /gallery/ directory, at the top of the configuration wizard (it runs without .htaccess in the directory) I see this error:
{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh9000\viewkind0 }
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/lestercm/frisbeeflingers.com/gallery/config.php:5) in /hsphere/local/home/lestercm/frisbeeflingers.com/gallery/lib/lang.php on line 342
Seems related. Does that help at all?
I went into my config.php file and deleted anything in it hoping to just "start over" but I got the same error.
Posts: 8194
Uh ... did you open Gallery with Word or Wordpad or something? config.php and .htaccess need to be totally blank, which is not the same as a blank RDF (Word/Wordpad file) ... use Notepad to create an empty file, not Word or Wordpad.
Posts: 14
I'm on a Mac. I used Text Edit (our version of notepad). Not Word.
They are empty. There is no RTF extension or anything like that.
Any other ideas?
Posts: 14
Actually, I recreated both files in Dreamweaver just in case. I got into the confi wizard (wohooo and thank you) but at the .htaccess set up it says I need to add
<Directory /hsphere/local/home/lestercm/frisbeeflingers.com/gallery>
AllowOverride Options FileInfo
In my servers httpd.conf file because it's not obeying the 'php_value' lines in your .htaccess file. I won't have access to that file. Can I still run gallery?
Posts: 14
I got through the config wizard.
Thanks again!