one question: mySQL?


Joined: 2002-11-20
Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 13:22

In y search for a good image gallery script I stumbled over 'Gallery'.
It has most of the features I'm looking for.

I have one quetsion tho:

-Does or can 'Gallery' store the photo's in a mySQL database?

I have a limited amount of server space and a unlimited size mySQL db, that's why I'm asking.

For what I've seen on this site I'm already very impressed!



Joined: 2002-11-04
Posts: 185
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 13:30

Nope, the current gallery doesn't. It stores info into .dat files and the scripts grab it from there, which is hard for me to hack for myself since I only really know how to interact with MySQL too. They are working on G2, which you can read about on this site, which should be able to interact with a number of databases including MySQL.

The code and databases hardly take up any room though since it's just text. I keep checking storage and the issue is always the images you upload, including originals. If you want to play with the current version, there are customizations (in the customization forums) on how to keep people from uploading large files and such to prevent you from going overboard in storage.

Hope that helps...


Joined: 2002-11-20
Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 13:37

Thanks for the quick reply!

Since I will be the only one with the rights to upload photo's I should be able to keep the size within my serverspace limits.

I've never worked with a image gallery before. Can you tell me how much space it would require for the 'Gallery'-script and let say 50 photo's of average size?

Yes, I'm a newbie with a lot of questions :wink:

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-22 14:05

Well, recall that Gallery uploads photos such that the *Apache* user owns them, so the photos technically wouldn't infringe on your space quota... Just don't tell your ISP that :smile:

With NetPBM and Jhead binaries, Gallery has about a 2.5 MB footprint. The space the photos takes up depends entirely on the size of your individual photos. I have 1700 digital camera photos on my gallery, all about 640x480 and they take up about 200 MB of space. 50 photos... maybe between 5 and 10 MB? Again, it depends on whether you build intermediate sized photos and how big the originals are.

Gallery 2 when released will use MySQL (or perhaps other DB interfaces too) to store its data, though the photos themselves will still be stored as files, not in the DB itself.