REQUEST: support for Picasa - amazing, FREE Photo organizer
Joined: 2004-09-01
Posts: 83 |
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Picasa has been acquired by Google and now it is FREE (used to be $30). It has the following functionality: It also has the thing called HELLO which adds to Picasa's functionality possibility to send images through IM and to publish them in blogger. I posted the same request on Picasa's msg board |
Posts: 2322
This is something that we would like to occur, but it's Picasa that has to add support for us, not the reverse.
I know that Bharat has spoken to them about it briefly. I'm unaware of what, if any, plans exist.
Posts: 60
While I hate to bring back old threads, it is on the same topic. I don't know if Picasa 1.x had it, but 2.0 supports XML export of albums.
See below for an example. The XML specifies most of the meta data used by gallery (thumb size, captions, album name, photo order, etc.)
I am not a developer, so I am only speculating, but if Gallery can be sent the xml and attending folder of images, it could easy have the captions, layout, etc. already presetup.
- <album>
<albumName>vineyard photos label</albumName>
<albumCaption>label caption</albumCaption>
- <images>
- <image>
<prevImage />
<nextImage />
<nextThumbnail />
<prevImage />
<prevThumbnail />
<itemOriginalPath>c:\documents and settings\username\my documents\my pictures\screen saver pix\more\aas-1.jpg</itemOriginalPath>
<itemNameOnly>itemNameOnly UNDEFINED (9)</itemNameOnly>
<itemCaption>Vineyards grapes, this is a caption</itemCaption>
<itemSize>itemSize UNDEFINED (9)</itemSize>
Posts: 7994
We can build a much tighter integration with Picasa 2. I'm working on this, as a background task. Hopefully I'll have something that I can demo in the next month or so. If somebody wants to work on an XML import module for G2 that would be awesome (but we should discuss that in the G2 dev forum).
Posts: 78
I would very much like to see this happen also. Bharat, its been about a month or so, have you come up with anything? I know PHP and MySQL and would be willing to work on whatever you have already completed, I know I would use this functionality very frequently.
Please let me know if you have anything.
Posts: 2322
Picasa integration has actually become one of the Summer of Code tasks, and is being worked on by one of our students. I don't have status information offhand, however it should be available on the gallery-devel mailing list where statuses are sent, weekly.
Posts: 78
Thanks for letting me know. ALso thanks again to google for buying Picasa, making it free, and paying students to integrate it with open source software.
I must say, I stongly encourage google to go for world domination.
Thanks again,
Posts: 3
I may not be posting this in the right place (ie, I might need to e-mail Google about it), but I was wondering what the status was and if it would be a plugin or in a new version of Picasa. Anyone have any ideas? Also, will it be announced on the Gallery main page, or should I watch the Picasa website?
Oh and I agree with SoBeIcedT, a big shout out to Google for all their awesome open source software support
Posts: 2322
The Picasa module is scheduled to be done by September. It will be a module in Gallery 2 and will require no special support in Picasa itself (to my knowledge).
I have no firm dates for completion other than "it'll be done when it's done."
Posts: 3
Thanks signe, I appreciate the help! When it does come out, I plan to use it a lot
Posts: 18
Hi all!
I am actually working on this G2 module and thought I needed to give a bit of feedback. The module itself now finally works, but there are still a few improvements to be done and several code reviews to pass.
What will it be able to do once it's finished? Well, as of now it can import a locally stored album previously exported as XML in Picasa. There are plans to allow ZIP File uploads at a later stage. It imports also the album name and caption, and the order of pictures and their captions.
If anyone has any feature requests/suggestions/questions feel free to post it all here, I will be checking up on it regularly now.
Posts: 78
Thanks for the update. I would love to see a feature in Gallery where I can export my albums from Gallery to the XML format that Picasa uses so that I can move all the images my friends upload to my gallery site into Picasa.
I have lots more ideas for this module, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'll put them up here when they come to me.
BTW, Thanks for working on this. I, as well as the members of my site, REALLY appreciate your work.
Posts: 3
Hello Waldemar,
I was wondering if you had any updates for us concerning the G2/Picasa module, as well as its integration/inclusion with the imminent G2 release. I noticed that all of the other modules's version/MANIFESTs are being bumped to 1.0 (for G2 release), but didn't see any Picasa module. Is there a seperate location to obtain it, even if its a beta/pre-release? Am I looking in the wrong place? All I was able to find about it was the following:
* Reviewed Picasa importer (waldemar)
Also, I'm curious on how the Picasa folder->G2 album process would work. As far as I can see, you would select a Picasa folder (or Label, or just photos), then do a "Make a Webpage", select Original Size (or whatever you wished), then choose "XML Code" as the format. Then, you would upload those files to a directory on the host running G2, into an allowed upload directory (site admin), then import from there. However, doing that, I was only able to select the images or thumbnail directories (and the index.xml file as well), which didn't produce the desired results. (Which leads me to believe that either I'm doing something wrong, or that perhaps the module isn't in there quite yet.)
Posts: 21
How exciting that this is actually coming along?
Does this sub-project have a home-page somewhere for discussions and beta downloads?
Congrats on a substantial contribution.
Posts: 3
So is Picasa working with G2 now? I can't find any recent documentation on it either, other than
Posts: 23
I just installed it from CVS and had to modify the code in a couple of places. In templates/ConfirmImport I changed line 48 to this:
In classes/Picasa2DataParser.class at line 80 I removed adding the xml line to the top of the xml as it's already there in my Picasa-generated xml file:
After these changes it works ok from admin. Doesn't seem like there's support for zip-file uploading, yet. Too bad as there's no way for regular users to use this.
Posts: 18
Hey everyone!
Sorry for replying that late, but I have quite turbulent couple of days behind me.
@Marcus: Did you try the latest CVS version? There were quite major changes between the beginning of september and the last commit.
@jg123: Is the first change really necessary? The second change was a surprise for me, it seems as if they reworked the XML Export in the new version of Picasa (though I didn't have time to check just yet). In the earlier versions the XML-Files Picasa generated were nowhere near XML compliant and did not have that header.
Maybe someone can test whether special characters (like german umlauts) now work in the XML-Export (the previous version did not support this, but as they are exporting with UTF-8 now, it might have changed).
I reworked the XML-Parser so that DOMXML isn't required anymore. There were a lot of style updates as well. There will be a further commit soon, which mainly updates the unit tests.
After that there will be a review and then I can start adding new features. I hope to have ZIP upload (which I already started in the background a couple of weeks ago) committed by mid-october, but we'll see.
Posts: 18
Just an update for those who are interested: I just have committed the code which allows every user to upload zipped exports from Picasa. Right now you can check it out from CVS on gallery-contrib, but it is going into the official gallery release hopefully soon.
Posts: 23
Couple of things. When I click on activate in modules I get a blank page. If I refresh it says the module is activated.
It may have to do with this
Importing from admin still works. The tab on the add items page doesn't seem to. I get this:
I upped the memory to 96M. I get this:
Looks like there may be a bad loop.
Posts: 18
Hey jg123,
thanks for the feedback. I will look into that tonight, especially the memory issue is very strange and might need time.
Could you possibly try to run the unit tests as well and tell me if these pass?
You get the unit tests by going to:
Posts: 23
Here you go:
I tried this as a filter: comment:1-3, and it all passed.
Posts: 18
Hi jg123!
I have committed a fix today which fixes your issues. However, before it actually will work you need to patch /modules/core/classes/GalleryPlatform.class
(this will be an official patch, and will be part of the next gallery release). I don't have time to package up a patch at the moment, so I'll just give you
the parts which you need to add:
At line 1109 replace the functions setFilePermissions($file) and _calculateUmaskAndFilePerms() with the following ones:
The Unit Tests will at the moment only work if you have file locking set to Database in Site Admin/General.
I should have the unit test issue fixed by the weekend. GalleryPlatform.class should be committed to the official repository pretty soon as well.
Thanks for testing and sorry for the bugs. If you have time give it another try. It's quite difficult getting this all to work on the different
operating systems. I originally coded it under Windows, where it all runs fine, but some things break in Linux, so I had to fix that.
If it still doesn't work try setting magic_quotes_gpc to Off in php.ini (This is another issue I have to fix before next week).
Posts: 23
You're missing a closing bracket at the end of the code block in case anyone else tries to paste this code in. I'm trying it magic quotes off now.
Posts: 23
Did it set everything to readonly? I can't add items anymore.
Posts: 18
huh? no, it shouldn't have, apart from the items it added itself. What error does it give you?
Posts: 23
I no longer have add items or add albums options, just add to cart. Strange.
Posts: 18
This is strange. Do you have any idea on why? did it happen after you patched GalleryPlatform.class or after you used my module?
Posts: 18
The new version which was committed yesterday should fix all the issues that existed before (even though I still don't know where your last issue came from.).
The CVS now also contains a patch for the Gallery core and the archiveupload module. These patches will be taken into the official gallery code I am told.
I would be very grateful if people could test this.
Posts: 23
This is with the latest from CVS:
Posts: 23
I turned magic_quotes_gpc to Off and got the following when trying to upload the zip:
Less failures in the unit tests this time:
Posts: 18
It seems like you haven't applied the patches (in /patches directory of CVS) correctly. Please check that ArchiveExtractToolkit.class was patched, according to the unit tests it wasn't.
What platform are you on?
Thanks for testing!
Posts: 23
I applied the patch:
and all the tests passed. But I still can't upload the zip file. I'm on Linux with database locking and magic_quotes_gpc off. See below for details. Here's the error message:
Posts: 18
Right, that sounds better
1. Did you configure the archiveupload module, telling it where unzip is?
2. Try adding normal ZIP Items "from Browser", does that work?
As I see it, this error does not come from my module anymore, but rather gallery is complaining that it can't unzip. There are several issues to check: Is your g2data directory fully writeable by apache? Is the unzip path correctly configured? Try the "Test Setting" in the configuration of archiveupload (Site Admin/Import/Archive). Also try archiveupload unit tests.
Posts: 23
Test settings for archiveupload works fine. Normal zip files get uploaded no problem.
I uploaded a zip file to the album and the pictures extracted there fine.
Then I uploaded my zipped up xml web page from Picasa and I got that same error I posted yesterday.
I accidently tried uploading my regular (non-Picasa) zip file in the Picasa 2 page and I got an error message about
it not being a valid archive (the exact error was this: "The path that you entered is invalid.").
Posts: 23
I ran the archiveupload tests and got an error.
Posts: 18
could you send me you ZIP to (in case it is not too big)? Thanks.
Posts: 23
On it's way...
Posts: 18
Hey jg123;
I don't know if you got my emails... Thanks for the ZIP. I know where it comes from (I think).
Can you repackage the ZIP so that index.xml and the folders "images" and "thumbnails" are in the root of the archive?
It still shouldn't give THAT error and I will fix this, but as of now the plugin expects you to have packaged just the picasa export and not in a subdirectory.
Sorry about this.
Posts: 23
I got your e-mails. Did you get the one I sent back? It was another zip with the format you specified and it didn't work.
Same error message. Let me know if you want me to send it again.
Posts: 18
No, I didn't get it for some reason. Please resend
Posts: 2
I just got started with Gallery and I am a fan of Picasa.
I love all I am reading here, and would be happy to be another test case.
But I haven't seen where it is stated what version of Gallery you must be running, and where to get the beta code.
Also, when I export pictures in Picasa (I have the latest version, just checked) I only get the photos. No xml file.
Posts: 32509
version of gallery: G 2.0
where to get the picasa module: with CVS from -> read cvs instructions there.
Posts: 2
Ah. I saw the gallery-contrib, but didn't think to look at the CVS when I didn't see info on the project page.
Admin upload works great. Haven't tried the zip yet.
Note for everyone. Picasa 2 generates thumbnails with the xml file and photos. You don't need to transfer these to your webserver. They don't get used.
Awesome module!
Posts: 397
This looks like a real winner... great module.
Posts: 23
Did you get the last zip file I sent? Did it work for you?
Posts: 18
Hey jg123!
I am very sorry I have been absent for such a long time. The code had to be reviewed and I had a very busy time at uni, but I should be back now. We should be committing the code soon. I was able to reproduce your bug, and have to figure out where it comes from, it seems like it's not directly my module, but I'm not sure. Other people did not encounter things like that, but then again it hasn't been tested widely enough.
Thanks for your help and I should get back very soon!
Posts: 1
How is this going? Just looked at the contrib project on source forge and couldn't find it.
Has it been rolled into the base package? I can't find anything on it in the manual either.