RSS for embedded Gallery


Joined: 2004-09-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2004-09-26 13:07


I like the RSS-feature in gallery :D , but since I use gallery embedded in a postnuke system, the current rss-code is pretty useless for me, for it directs directly to the standalone version of gallery, which I don't want :( !

I'd like to suggest developing RSS-code that is compatible with embedded versions of gallery!


Joined: 2004-04-08
Posts: 347
Posted: Tue, 2004-10-12 08:54


this would be a great feature for Mambo Users too. :)


Jean-Marc Liotier
Jean-Marc Liotier's picture

Joined: 2004-03-07
Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 13:47

This look somewhat connected to the recursive per-album RSS that seems to be increasingly requested. You can have a look at it here :

I opened a feature request too :

I wonder how the RSS code in G2 is, and especially if it satisfies the request that G1 users have made here. Maybe I should install G2 somewhere so that I can find out myself...