Font size in G2


Joined: 2004-06-14
Posts: 32
Posted: Sun, 2004-10-03 20:34

I've recently installed G2 at and I find that the font size is so small it's almost unreadable. I run my system monitor at 1280x1024 which so part way to explaining it but it just seems too small by default. Can it be changed globally?

Also when I'm inside a album and select an image say 640x480 it appears to the side of the main side bar BUT when I then select to view the image at 1024x 768 it drops down off the screen and I have to scroll down to find it, is there another setting for this please?

off to sign up for the dev system :-).

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2004-10-03 21:04

font size: make local copy of templates/global.tpl (see instructions at top of file) and change <body> tag to <body style="font-size:NN%"> where NN is any value larger than 62.5 (the value currently used by matrix theme).. values greater than 100 are ok too.


Joined: 2004-06-14
Posts: 32
Posted: Sun, 2004-10-03 22:10

Got it mindless, thank you for the response :-)