I figure that this would be a better place to post this, so it'll go here.
Would anyone mind if I asked for the ability to generate an RSS feed based off of a single album instead of an entire gallery?
Even better would be if you could select multiple albums to include in the feed?
The reason I ask is there's only a single album in my gallery which I'd like to have RSS available for, and I don't currently know enough about PHP to trim it down.
Posts: 80
I asked a similar question before, you can have a look here : http://gallery.menalto.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=18735&sid=cce9fcddf3a25a11a5848068150ef0dc
As a result, I opened a feature request :
Posts: 27300
per-album RSS for Gallery 1.4.x