Move Photo(s) Suggestion...


Joined: 2002-11-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-29 15:32

When moving photos from one album to another, it would be great if we could specify the position within that album at the same time! For example, I let users upload images in one album, then we verify them to make sure they're "on topic", and then move them into another album. Usually, we then go and move them to the first position in the album, just so that users see the newest pictures first. If we could do this all in one step, that would be great! The move dialog could have a dropdown that updates with the number of "positions" in the newly selected album each time you choose an album to move to. Or, even an option to "Insert at Start" or "Insert at End" of the target album would be nice!

Sorry if this has already been covered, I tried to search for it with no similar results. Let me know if it's been done!