[SOLVED] Picture WaterMark ...


Joined: 2004-08-06
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2004-10-13 07:05

Dear friends ...
I've heard that in previous versions of Gallery , we can have a watermark of any picture on the pictures of gallery ( to prevent form copying ) ...
but I've not seen such a thing in G2 . if it's possible , please help me .
best regards

baschny's picture

Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 328
Posted: Wed, 2004-10-13 09:07

majmx, it is already possible, we've (bharat, our king!) created a very neat Watermark module to our G2-code in the Alpha-3 (Farva), so if you are trying out a previous version, please consider re-installing the new alpha to see how it works. Just activate the module in the Site Admin, use the Site Admin to upload one or more transparent gifs, and then try adding files and applying the watermark.

Have fun!


Joined: 2004-10-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2004-10-14 13:50

Is this possible with the CVS version? I don't see it on the module list...


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2004-10-14 14:51

yes, Watermark is in cvs and alpha-3


Joined: 2004-10-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2004-10-14 14:57

Thanks - I was about to reply to myself... I did a cvs update before posting and it wasn't there, then right after it was. "Timing is everything" ;)



Joined: 2004-08-06
Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 2004-10-16 08:26

dear friends , thanx alot for your help .
I was using G2 version alpha-1 , I installed version alpha-3 , and most of the problems solved .
best regards