I dont know if this has been mentioned before, but here goes..
I would love it if Gallery would display large pictures to the right of the menu (where it should be displayed), rather than being pushed down under the menu if it is too big to fit the screen.. (ofcourse with scroll bars to scroll)
My laptop has a fairly small resolution, and when I upload images as small as 800x600 it is pushed under the menu when I view them.
-- Should do:
-- Does do:
On another note, security seems to be none existent when it comes to search, random image, last X viewed, etc.. If I dont dont give public access to my album they are still able to see my images through these extra featues.
Posts: 2322
I don't understand what you're talking about with the menu - do you have an example?
It sounds like you need to upgrade your Gallery, because the latest versions of Gallery (1.4.3 and above) have fairly decent security on search and random pages.
Gallery doesn't provide a 'last X viewed', so any security issues you have with a module that does that would have to be reported to the author.
Posts: 4
I dont doubt security issues will be (already are) sorted, Gallery seems to have brilliant support.
Im currently running Alpha 2.
I've attached an example to show what Im trying to describe. Notice the way the image is being displayed under the menu. If i choose a 640x480 image its displayed correctly to the right of the menu.
Posts: 2322
Ahh, see, that's what you failed to mention. This forum is for Gallery 1, not Gallery 2. That's a whole-different beast with its own developers.
Posts: 4
OOoops, now, my mistake.
I'll move over to that forum than. :-D