navigational table borders

Woy's picture

Joined: 2003-09-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-02 13:54

Hi everybody!

Don't know exactly if this is the right place to ask, but I noticed some minor design glitch: the navtableborderbegin and navtableborderend elements in the css have black as color hardcoded for the border of the navigational tables. Now this might be a good idea sometimes, but in other cases (where I have a whole branch of albums with a different background color, namely #222222) somewhat disturbing. I thought it might be a good idea to match this border color with the text color which in turn is configurable.

So my question: is there any reason beyond my knowledge that the nav. border color is fixed to black (or, to the skin chosen)? My changes to match them to the text color are rather simple, indeed:

Changes in css/embedded_style.css.default:


and for example in view_album.php:

if ($gallery->album->fields["textcolor"]) {
        echo "BODY, TD {color:".$gallery->album->fields['textcolor'].
          "; border-color:".$gallery->album->fields['textcolor']."; }";

i.e., set the border-color in the embedded css of the displayed page rather than in the static embedded_style.css.default file.

best regards, Woy