No right click security!?


Joined: 2004-10-27
Posts: 26
Posted: Thu, 2004-11-04 14:39

For someone who would like to display photos but at the same time, TRY to make it harder for people to "save to disk" the photos. Could one of those java scripts that don't allow right clicks be added to the Gallery?

I know if someone really wanted the photo, they would get it, but to make it abit more of a task for them is what I am looking for.

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Thu, 2004-11-04 22:00

Search the customizations forum, this has come up on numerous occasions.

IMHO it's a waste of time though, if you don't want people to use your pictures, well, don't publish them online. You can also use the watermarking feature to make it less appealing to steal them.


Joined: 2004-10-27
Posts: 26
Posted: Fri, 2004-11-05 19:11

So is using a club to keep people from stealing your car, but it will make it harder for them to get what they want. Thanks for the tip, I will do some searching for an easy install.

chet's picture

Joined: 2004-11-29
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2004-11-30 09:17

whats hard about drag and drop into the adress bar or print screen??

Pretty simple to me



Joined: 2004-12-02
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2004-12-02 00:07

I can think of few things more irritating than right-click blockers. They're pointless - there are far too many ways to get around them - and irritating - you're not just blocking 'copy image', you're blocking every single legitimate use of the right-click menu, of which there are many.

Don't do it.

sarahk's picture

Joined: 2005-01-06
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-09 02:15

Ditto on the right mouse blockers. I use it to "open in new tab" hyperlinks I want to visit when I want to keep the current page open.

If you seriously need to protect your graphics the only way you can do it is to use a tool that generates .css files (using php) from the albums. There would be a class for every graphic and thumbnail and these would be called as div tags on the page. V. little html so pages would load fast and the images would be protected. An ardent fan would have to scour the cache files to find your graphic. Not impossible but ....

just a thought
