First of all, I would like to say....


Joined: 2004-11-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2004-11-11 04:53

First of all, I would like to thank you guys for putting in so much time and effort into developing this masterpiece. All your hard work is greatly appreciated. I will definitely donate some money to help ease the cost.

Now, I have a suggestion that, hopefully, you guys will agree that it's a good idea.

My suggestion is that maybe in the next version (G2 ?), you guys could add a fuction that will let owner protect their album or subalbum with password so others cannot view the album unless a valid password is entered, but can still display images to everyone in non-protected album/subalbum.

Another suggestion is maybe you guys could add a function for user to open multiple images at once. Like check box next to each image, and a "View Selected Image(s)" button or something.

Also a script that will generate image tag and url tag for an image when a user click on the thumbnail or view multiple images, and a "Copy" button that will copy the img/url tag would be super. The reason for this is that I browse forums quite frequently, and the image tag can comes in handy. I know this is not the most important function to have. After all, it only saves a couple click and a few keystrokes, but hey...if it make things easier, than why not? :wink:

I'm currently using an image upload script that does all the above (password protect, multiple image viewing, and generate img/url tag). If these ideas get implemented, I can just get rid of the image upload script and use Gallery instead. One application with multiple use...just pefect!

Well that's all the feedback I have in mind for now.
Hope you guys will find my idea useful.

Thanks again for all your time and efforts. :D


EDIT: I just realized that there it IS possible to have protected album :doh:

So please disregard the first suggestion :P

Multimedia support would be nice. (mpeg, wmv, mp3, pdf, xls, pps, zip, rar...etc)