1&1 GD problems
Joined: 2003-09-13
Posts: 314 |
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I think I saw somebody complaining about 1&1 before. I am getting a GD-related error one my sites that is hosted on 1&1 when I am trying to upload a photo from browser: Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): '/kunden/homepages/15/d89739888/htdocs/g2data/albums/miscel/samples/DSC00237.JPG' is not a valid JPEG file in /homepages/15/d89739888/htdocs/gallery2/modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class on line 244 Error (ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE): in file modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 208 (gallerystatus::error) in file modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 245 (gdfunctionality::checkresource) in file modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 402 (gdfunctionality::imagecreatefromjpeg) in file modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 147 (gdtoolkit::_getimageresource) in file modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivative.class at line 365 (gdtoolkit::performoperation) in file modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivativeImage.class at line 176 (galleryderivative::rebuildcache) in file modules/core/CreateThumbnailOption.inc at line 73 (galleryderivativeimage::rebuildcache) in file modules/core/ItemAddFromBrowser.inc at line 85 (createthumbnailoption::handlerequestafteradd) in file modules/core/ItemAdd.inc at line 77 (itemaddfrombrowser::handlerequest) in file main.php at line 161 (itemaddcontroller::handlerequest) in file main.php at line 47 in file main.php at line 40 The file is good and works fine on other sites. This is even more bizzare, since I created couple hundred of pictures (by copying the database and album directories) and those pictures came up fine. I don't know whether there is indeed something special with this picture but GD seems to be just fine (you can see phpinfo here If someone has already looked into this problem - please let me know; if not, I'll try to dig deeper once I install alpha4 (the version there is almost a month old) |
Posts: 328
virshu, maybe you could give us the URL to the file in question so we can see if this particular problem is 1&1 related, GD related or some other error.