2 Column Viewing the Album and all the graphics files in th


Joined: 2002-10-18
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2002-12-05 16:55

I've been installing and working with albums/gallery mods for a couple days now. You've probably seen some of my postings.

I think the Gallery mods have a lot to offer, and I'm curious to know if anyone is familiar with some of these features in mods.

1) I think it would be nice to have the album graphic in the left most column and directly to the right you'd have a box of descriptiive information...which would allow HTML coding.

ALBUMS - Section

--------Column 1---------Column2-------------------------

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box


2) After you do a click on the left most column graphic
you would link into the album contents, which would be similarly structured. You would have comments, Email, E-cards, and print clickons as well as a text box with HTML a possible option. I mention HTML because you could easily link to further information or use a hyperlink to download a file.

Each ALBUMS contents - Subsection

--------Column 1---------Column2-------------------------

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box

--------|- Photo -----|- Text Box


3) The Album/Gallery programs I'm familiar with align text in a box under the graphic. If you have a lot of text, it is very amateur looking...especially on pages with a lot of pictures.

4) THe HTML security issues can be minimized by validating submittals, which can be further controlled by having a click box allowing only certain groups to use HTML.

5) Forgot to mention... it would be nice to have a submittal that would allow the user to upload graphics from HDD or other sites. I would prefer the uploading of about ten album photos at a time. I personally wouldn't want just anyone uploading files in large quantities.

6) As an after thought...It would work to have a text box entry similar to this posting box with the URL IMG EMAIL CODE QUOTE, etc.

I have been experimenting with the Gallery and I have found I can enter HTML code in the edit caption box with links as an admin I can do this.

I looked but could not find any examples for what I'm talking about...If anyone knows of any Gallery enabled sites with the above changes included and it is possible without re-inventing the wheel...I'd be very interested to know more.



Joined: 2002-09-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2002-12-10 04:38
1) I think it would be nice to have the album graphic in the left most column and directly to the right you'd have a box of descriptiive information...which would allow HTML coding.

view_photo.php is the file that's called for every picture view. You can dig into the code and play around with it quite easily. PHP is not very cryptic, and you can easily insert HTML almost anywhere. There have been several topics to the 2 col effect in the archives. Also, Gallery 2 should be much better about customizing layout. I can't wait!

3) The Album/Gallery programs I'm familiar with align text in a box under the graphic. If you have a lot of text, it is very amateur looking...especially on pages with a lot of pictures.

A mod was posted a while back that limited the display of comments on the album/thumbnails page. Here's what I've got in my notes, without playing around a bit: On line 453 of view_album.php, $myCaption = substr($gallery->album->getCaption($i), 0, 25) . "..."; | > echo $myCaption;

5) Forgot to mention... it would be nice to have a submittal that would allow the user to upload graphics from HDD or other sites. I would prefer the uploading of about ten album photos at a time. I personally wouldn't want just anyone uploading files in large quantities.

This already is a feature. Click on [add photos] when you're logged in.

I have been experimenting with the Gallery and I have found I can enter HTML code in the edit caption box with links as an admin I can do this.

Anyone can do this, even in their comments. Play around with some sample comments and see what you can do.