Alpha4 - User Albums Module Not Working


Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2004-12-01 03:55

Hello folks,

I have performed a fresh install of Alpha4 on a RedHat 9 machine. Everything seemed to install properly, however now that gallery is running, it seems that there is a problem with the User Albums Module.

The problem is that with the module installed and activated, nothing happens when creating a new user. In Alpha3, as soon as you created a new user, a new album would be created and when that user logged on, the user could modify that album only. Now no album is created and the user is not able to create one unless one is created by the admin and then permissions are assigned to the user.

I have removed Alpha4, deleted the database, redownloaded from an alternate server and then reinstalled with the same result. I have enabled all modules just in case there's a dependency between some of the user modules, but that didn't do the trick either.

I have tried changing settings - still no luck.

Sincerely hoping there is an easy fix :-?


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2004-12-01 04:20

yup, looks like that got broken recently.. thanks for pointing it out.
just committed the fix to cvs.