Default permissions, IP banning


Joined: 2004-12-02
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2004-12-02 00:15

I run a multi-user Gallery, and recently we've had several runs of abusive comments.

It would be useful to be able to set the default permissions to be applied to every newly-created album, so that by default only logged in users would be able to post comments, view albums, etc.

It would also be useful to be able to ban certain IPs from registering or viewing certain albums.

signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Thu, 2004-12-02 00:34

New root-level albums inherit settings from the Gallery defaults. New sub-albums inherit permissions and settings from the parent album. All you need to do is change one or both of those and new albums will always have what you want.

Banning IPs usually has little to no effect, since people can generally change IPs when they want. If you really want to go that route, you can just use the .htaccess methods "allow" and "deny"


Joined: 2004-12-02
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2004-12-02 00:48

Actually, the gallery documentation specifically says that new sub-albums do *not* inherit settings and permissions from their parent albums. I'm guessing that has changed now?

Also, I couldn't find anywhere to set default permissions, unless you mean by having a single top-level album and nesting everything under that.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification =)