Error when trying to delete a gallery


Joined: 2005-01-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-07 23:44


I created a gallery, attempted to upload an image (MVIH_Adjoining_Rooms_002.jpg, 744kb), and I received the following error:

in modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 208 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 245 (gdfunctionality::checkresource)
in modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 402 (gdfunctionality::imagecreatefromjpeg)
in modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 147 (gdtoolkit::_getimageresource)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivative.class at line 365 (gdtoolkit::performoperation)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivativeImage.class at line 176 (galleryderivative::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/ at line 73 (galleryderivativeimage::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/ at line 85 (createthumbnailoption::handlerequestafteradd)
in modules/core/ at line 77 (itemaddfrombrowser::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 170 (itemaddcontroller::handlerequest)
in main.php at line 47
in main.php at line 40

It turns out that the image file was saved as CMYK, not RGB. I opened the file in photoshop, changed the image mode to RGB, resaved the file as jpg and was able to upload the image successfully to the gallery.

So now in my gallery I've got the image listed twice, once with a broken thumbnail (the cmyk version of the file) and once with a working thumb (the rgb version of the file). If I try to delete the broken cmyk version, I get the following error:

in modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 208 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/gd/classes/GdFunctionality.class at line 245 (gdfunctionality::checkresource)
in modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 402 (gdfunctionality::imagecreatefromjpeg)
in modules/gd/classes/GdToolkit.class at line 147 (gdtoolkit::_getimageresource)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivative.class at line 365 (gdtoolkit::performoperation)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryDerivativeImage.class at line 176 (galleryderivative::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_advanced.class at line 683 (galleryderivativeimage::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 705 (galleryderivativehelper_advanced::rebuildcache)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 63 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecache)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 692 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
in modules/core/ at line 229 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
in modules/core/ at line 150 (itemdeleteview::loadtemplate)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 244 (itemadminview::loadtemplate)
in main.php at line 312 (itemadminview::doloadtemplate)
in main.php at line 47
in main.php at line 40 there a way that I can manually knock this file out of the database?



<Please check the G2 FAQ (sticky topic in this forum) before posting!>

Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: 2
Webserver (with version): Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin)
Datatabase (with version): mysql 4.0.23 for os x
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.4
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): Gd
Operating system: OS X 10.3.7
Web browser/version: Safari 1.2.4

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2005-01-08 19:14

Try upgrading to the latest nightly snapshot from here. We've fixed this problem in the latest code.