updating to new alpha release


Joined: 2004-08-18
Posts: 32
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-16 10:49

simple question... i have read about this somewhere before but cannot find it again now.
What i want to know is can i take the database from the first alpha release of gallery and use it for the newest release? or has the database setup changed? is this risky or a stable way of doing it? or am i better to just start again?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-16 12:26

ryano, I'm sorry to have to say that updates were introduced in the alpha 4 and not in alpha 1. You can update G2 from any version since alpha 4 to the most recent version, alpha 1 is too old, hasn't built in this update feature.

This update process doesn't apply to alpha 1, but I describe it anyway:
Download the newest G2 version or update your cvs version directly to the server, overwrite your G2 application (don't touch the database or the g2data directory) and just browse to your G2 in a webserver. G2 will show the update wizard if there's anything to update and if not, you'll want to visit the G2 site admin -> modules page to see, if just a few modules need to be updated.


Joined: 2004-08-18
Posts: 32
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-17 03:16

ok i now see that updating is not an option. is it possible to create a link back to my old gallery 2, alpha 1 release in the latest version?

so it would be a thumbnail image, with a caption like '2004 images' that when click links to www.domian.com/gallery2/alpha1/main.php.

is this possible or not?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-17 07:27

sorry, no. you could do this manually, change the template, add a html <a href=http//www.domian.com/gallery2/alpha1/main.php"><img src="http://www.domian.com/gallery2/alpha1/....."/></a>.

but if i were you, i'd just reupload / re-migrate these 2004 images to the current G2 version, it's something you have to do once, as updates are supported now.


Joined: 2005-01-21
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2005-02-25 19:19
valiant wrote:
This update process doesn't apply to alpha 1, but I describe it anyway:
Download the newest G2 version or update your cvs version directly to the server, overwrite your G2 application (don't touch the database or the g2data directory) and just browse to your G2 in a webserver. G2 will show the update wizard if there's anything to update and if not, you'll want to visit the G2 site admin -> modules page to see, if just a few modules need to be updated.

I am asking this just to make sure I am reading the update process correctly. I already have an alpha 4 release but the build I am using has a cookie bug. Can I simply unzip a new nightly build over the existing installation and rerun the setup? I don't need to actually delete anything? Thanks in advance!!


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-02-25 19:42

delete everything but:
- the database
- the config.php
- g2 data directory

then copy the nightly snapshots files onto the server and browse to your gallery. the upgrader starts and you're done.