2 puzzling questions


Joined: 2004-09-08
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-24 10:20

Ok, so here are the 2 things I am very curious about. I've looked through the forums and I cant seem to find what I was looking for.

So here it is as specific as I can get... any help is greatly appreciated!

First Question
I would like to be able to HIDE an album. I have the front page one that anyone can see, but inside that.. there are multiple albums on various subjects... and those I want viewable, and some I DONT.

I am a visual person, so this is easier for me to show you:


Is this possible? Where do I adjust this?

Second Question

I would like to be able to lower the accepted size limit for uploads. I have a limited space on my webserver...

If this is not possible, is there a way for someone to upload a photo, and have it get resized to a smaller resolution (i.e. 800 x 600) and the larger image discarded? I would much prefer this to size limit uploads... but I will take what I can get! :D

Again, if you were patient enough to read this.. and could possibly shed some light on it, I would owe you my first born!

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-24 10:56

First Answer:

You can use the permissions interface to set permissions so that only one person can view any given album. Remember that each item has its own complete set of permissions so make sure you apply changes to everything under that album if you want them all to be affected properly.

Second answer:

Virshu just committed a cool new module called "size limit" that lets you restrict the size of a photo at upload time. Get the latest nightly snapshot (or get the code from CVS) and try it out!


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-24 11:17

So, where is your first born? :D


Joined: 2004-09-08
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2005-01-24 18:44

Hehe, you'll have to wait a few months... then I have to sneak it away from the wife! :wink: