What is internationalization for?

ale2005's picture

Joined: 2005-01-27
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-28 16:25

Great as Gallery is, it lacks i18n in one sense.
I can clearly distinguish between two meanings of this term:

I- Users are able to install and run gallery in their own language.
This feature is supported. However, performance would increase
if an installation script existed to substitute translations into the
source code, so as to avoid many gettext lookups at run time.

II- Users want to integrate photo albums into a multi language
web site. This is not supported, because captions, comments,
descriptions, and even poll nv strings only exist in one language.

BTW, I visited the printer services pages and I always got a page
in English. Does this mean there are no printing services in my