gallery and photo descriptions


Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-30 08:01

I've just started to work with G2 to try to get it how I would like it to look and I've come across what seems to be a problem with the album and photo descriptions.

When I input text for either description any paragraph breaks in that text are not rendered. It all just comes out as a solid block of text with no breaks. I tried putting in html code to get it to work, but it just rendered the tags I had inputted.

The only thing I have done to the code related to this section was to take it out of the table so that the text stretches across the top instead of stopping in the middle (if I get ambitious, I might try to split this text into two columns with css). But, even when I replace my code with the original code, I still seem to be having the issue.

Here's the code for that div (in albumBody.tpl.local) if it helps:

<div class="gbTopFlag">

	    {if !empty($layout.item.title)}
	    <h1 class="giTitle">
		        {g->text one="Size: %d item" many="Size: %d items"
                         count=$layout.childCount arg1=$layout.childCount}
                {if $layout.descendentCount > $layout.childCount}
                  {g->text one="(%d item total)" many="(%d items total)" count=$layout.descendentCount arg1=$layout.descendentCount}
               	{capture name=originationTimestamp}
                {g->date timestamp=$layout.item.originationTimestamp}
                {g->text text="Date: %s" arg1=$smarty.capture.originationTimestamp} 
            {if $layout.showAlbumOwner}
            {g->text text="Owner: %s" arg1=$layout.owner.fullName|default:$layout.owner.userName}
	    {if !empty($layout.item.description)}
            <p class="giDescription">

Thanks for any help! I'm sure I'll be back a lot in the coming weeks - this thing ain't easy to modify for me. :D

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-30 18:44

go to Site Admin / General.. you can enable bbcode or html in item fields.


Joined: 2005-01-22
Posts: 84
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-30 21:50

Oh man. That was too easy...

Thanks for the help!