PHP Nuke 6.0 adding a Block


Joined: 2002-12-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-16 00:58

Ok first I would like to say great program I installed its and everything is fine. I'm only having one problem trying to get a block with a random image i read the stuff on the page i got the block-random.php file placed it in my /public_html/modules/gallery
now two questions does it matter that my temp folder and dir folder are in my root? thats where the photos are getting stored /public_html/albums/album01 now in the page it said http://your.server/modules.php?op=modload&name=your-gallery-name&file=index&include=block-random.php
so i put
now is this right or am i doing something wrong i am new to nuke and Gallery but I like what i see. Any help would be appreciated.

P.s. I'm a newbie so try to keep it simple lol :lol:

Warren's picture

Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 794
Posted: Wed, 2002-12-18 16:27

This was moved from Nuke Module forum... :wink:


Joined: 2003-02-01
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2003-02-06 15:20

The location of the albums and the temp direcotry don't really matter to the block because if you look at the code, the albums directory is figured out using the variable: $gallery->app->albumDir. So it will be fine, the temp directory is not used by random block at all, so that's no problem at all.

When you want to create your PHPNuke block, go through the normal procedure but enter the HTML code as you have it below with one change, the name is not album01 but rather the name you gave to the module itself. In this case that is gallery, so your correct URL would be:

