Problems when installing, and error after install.
Joined: 2005-02-07
Posts: 14 |
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Hi, I've managed to install Gallery 2 successfully to the end, with only 2 'warning' messages. First one is: Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to 8Mb and the second one is Gallery file integrity Warning If you are using Apache, create a file named .htaccess in the main php_value memory_limit 16M I've added the .htaccess file already, but have no idea how to go about finding the php.ini file. Then, I go to my URL at and I get this: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: databasesqlfragment in /var/www/html/photofolio/modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryItemAttributesHelper_simple.class on line 50 I have no idea what it means. Anyways, when I check in my phpAdmin site, there is an error that says Error PMA Database ... not OK[ Documentation ] Ok, before I installed Gallery, I had Coppermine installed. So I manually erased (only could choose 'DROP') the cpg files. Not too sure if something went wrong when I did that, but that's the last thing I did b4 installing. So, I'm thinking that I should just delete the whole database and create again, and reinstall. BUT I've got my Wordpress files in the same SQL database, and I have no idea how to get them out and then put them back in for a clean install. I'm not too sure if my Wordpress will work after I do that. HELP!! I have to warn you (in case you haven't figured it out), I'm a total noob when it comes to all these. I'm not a programmer (a photographer by profession), and I am completely way deep in, beyond my league. Oh, and my site is hosted by Doteasy. Please do help! Thanks!! ---- |
Posts: 32509
It could be that the G2 files you installed were a little corrupted.
Could you verify that the file "[path_to_g2/]modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseSqlFragment.class" exists? And if it exists, it still may be corrupted.
Best thing would be, if you redownload G2 (cvs or nightly snapshot from jmullans page) and install G2 again. Note: don't use winzip to unarchive the download file, it may corrupt your G2 files. Use another archive program.
About the memory limit: (memory_limit parameter in php.ini).
It's not something that could have caused the above error. Once everything is working, you should change the memory limit to 32mb or something like that in your php.ini file (part of the webserver installation on your computer). If this memory limit is too low, your G2 won't be able to handle large images.
Posts: 14
Thanks Valiant!
Am downloading right now again. The last download was unzipped in WinRAR.
Oh, and the file does exist. I hope a reinstall will solve everything.
Oh, and I just delete (DROP) all the G2 tables in my SQL database again to uninstall G2, right?
Will report back . . .
Posts: 32509
before you reinstall, you should also empty the g2data directory, as it contains cached data which could get in conflict with a new G2 install.
Posts: 14
I'm deleting the whole folder via ftp, and also 'DROPPING' the tables in my MySQL directory.
Copying the files back up onto the server will take a while - took me the whole afternoon, actually.
Will report back.
Posts: 32509
luqman, don't you have a webinterface to administer your domain?
The probability that some files get corrupted when uploading a couple of thousand files via FTP is very high!
If you have the possibility, upload the archived file (gallery2.tar.gz) via a webinterface file browser to your server. Most of these file browsers can unarchive files with the extension .tar.gz, just select it and see if there's such a action.
This will take a lot less time and is far more reliable.
Posts: 14
I'll check.
There probably is, somewhere. So far, I've only used ftp for all my uploads.
Posts: 14
Found the webinterface and it is sooo much faster.
But I've been wrangling with trying to expand the tar.gz archive once its uploaded. Clicking on it only brings up the download pop-up and the actions doesn't allow me to do anything to it.
Still trying in the hopes of getting lucky . . .
Posts: 32509
Ask your webhosting partner if this webinterface can unarchive / decompress tar.gz files. Tell him that there are open source / free software solutions that can do that.
For the meantime, you'll probably have to upload via FTP...
Posts: 14
Ok, going back to ftp now and a long wait.
Posts: 314
luqman, if you are using CPanel (one of the most common interfaces) you can use file manager and if you click on the .gz file it gives you an option to Extract File Contents.
Also, don't worry about PMA Database. It is coming from phpMyAdmin, and isn't a problem with anything else.
Posts: 14
Hi Virshu.
Nope, I think its using Ensim Pro 4.0.2-7. That's what I see at the bottom.
When I click on the file, the only thing that happens is a javascript window that pops up and asks if I want to start the download. Double clicking it goes into the permissions settings for the file, and the actions icon on the right only displays the file properties. I've mailed Doteasy support and hopefully they support tar.
Thanks for explaining the PMA Database. :P Was really worried that I screwed something up big-time.
Posts: 14
I'm leaving ftp to run.
Will check back in a few hours.
Thanks again, Valiant and Virshu!!