Link gallery banner back to homepage


Joined: 2005-02-08
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2005-02-08 11:48

Is there a way to make the top image (galleryLogo_sm.gif) link back to the homepage? Thanks


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-02-08 12:18

sure, open templates/global.tpl and take a look at the instructions.
(1. copy global.tpl to templates/local/global.tpl and edit this file
search for
<img src="{g->url href="images/galleryLogo_sm.gif"}" alt="" />
and replace it with

<a href="">
  <img src="{g->url href="images/galleryLogo_sm.gif"}" alt="" />

you can use ordinary HTML and styles and css to get rid of boxes around the link etc.


Joined: 2004-04-12
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-10 05:04

I think this is related...except for I'm working with 1.4.4...

How do I link the main gallery title breadcrumb text? I'm trying to find the file that the code in albums.php grabs the name from...

I tried linking it in albums.php itself, putting the <a> tags around <title><?php echo $gallery->app->galleryTitle ?></title> (inside the <title> tags), which worked, except that it put <a> and </a> on either side of the browser title call out...

Sorry to be posting about this in here...I couldn't find a similar thread in the current version folders.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-10 07:39

EricF, yes it is related in the sense that you want to create a html link, but G1 and G2 are a completely different story. Please ask this question in the G1 custumization forum, I'm not quite sure where to change what in G1. But note that adding <a></a> tags around the <title> tag is nonsense. The <title> tag is in the <head> part of a html page and the <head> part does not get displayed in the main windows of a browser page, it just contains information for the browser.

But what you want has been done before and I'm sure you'll find the answer browsing and searching through the G1 customizations forum.


Joined: 2004-04-12
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2005-02-10 12:58

Thanks valiant...

I linked the title tag because it was calling out galleryTitle. It definitely worked, and created a link in the Gallery Title breadcrumb, but also had that other unpleasant side effect...

Anyhoo...I'll post to the g1 forums when I get to work...

Take care!


Joined: 2008-11-25
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2008-11-25 08:56

Where can I find that global.tpl file?
I installed gallery 2 of gallery2.3 version.
But I couldn't find the global.tpl and I found only other tpl files.
Your help is really appreciated.