Hi, I have my Gallery as component in my Mambo CMS on my site. I am wanting to have 2 separate links on my CMS menu that point to 2 separate Albums of my Gallery. I can't seem to point the component url to an Album and was wondering, first of all, if it's possible to do so?
And then whether I could then install a 2nd component to point to the second Album?? (Both Albums would be from the same Gallery). Obviously this will prevent me having to install 2 separate Gallery scripts just for the purpose of incorporating my albums within Mambo.
Thank you! 
Posts: 45
Basically I would love to be able to have 2 sep. components on Mambo that point to 2 sep. albums in my one Gallery installation.
Posts: 10
Can you not just jot down the addresses for the two galleries and then create two menu entries to point at those directly?
Posts: 45
As far as I know, when you set a menu to point to your gallery, you choose the gallery component. When you go into Components in Mambo, Gallery is pointed to the direct folder of the gallery script, eg:
I have tried to point it to an album instead, eg:
/home/site/public_html/GALLERY/ALBUM2, etc.
but this doesn't work.
My only thought is to install another gallery script and double the components on mambo. Any other way out???
Posts: 347
maybe this thread helps:
Posts: 45
This doesn't seem to help.
In Mambo, when you you install a Gallery component you have one place to enter your "Full server path to your Gallery". I have tried to add an Album name after the Gallery path folder but it didn't work.
Other ways on Mambo would make it a wrapper style, which isn't what I was trying to achieve.
More ideas??
Posts: 347
This works for me:
point your browser to the album you want to link to
copy the Url
in Mambo's Backend - Menu - mainmenu - New - Link URL
paste here the link, should be for example:
(without http ://www domain)
same for the second link
Or, if you want to use the component:
Menu - mainmenu - New - Component - Gallery
Then you have to modify the database table mos_menu and change the link from index.php?option=com_gallery to the copied link
(backup before)
same for the second link
Posts: 45
hi, the first option worked fine!