i JUST Follow the instruction in readme but get this:
Warning: fopen(/home/newwave/public_html/albumsblock-random.cache): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/home/newwave/public_html/nwdb1/blocks/NG-RandomPhoto_functions.php on line 221
Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/newwave/public_html/nwdb1/blocks/NG-RandomPhoto_functions.php on line 223
NOTE:This line is not in the error
About 20 lines like this above)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: isalbumname() in /usr/home/newwave/public_html/nwdb1/blocks/NG-RandomPhoto_functions.php on line 101
The CONFIG lines from the top of your block file(s):
$selector = "AUTO";
/* Number of seconds between autorefresh of block, valid only for */
/* $selector = AUTO */
$auto_rate = 10;
/* Number of photos to display, valid only for $selector = RANDOM */
$number_of_pix = 50;
/* Show photos horozontally(1) or vertically(0). Valid only for */
/* $selector = RANDOM */
$horozontal = 0;
/* Size of thumbnail. Leave at 0 to use Gallery default */
$scaleTo = 0;
/* Scrolling photos, valid only for $selector = RANDOM */
$scroll = 1;
/* Full path to your Gallery, don't forget the trailing / */
$GALLERY_BASEDIR = "/usr/home/newwave/public_html/nwdb1/modules/Gallery/";
/* The module name of your Gallery, default is "gallery" */
/* Time, in seconds, to refresh random photo cache. Default is */
/* 86400 (check it daily) */
define(CACHE_EXPIRED, 86400);
/* Full path to your albums directory, don't forget the trailing / */
Posts: 54
ok i thought i was wrong with that:
so i changed to:
but now i'm gettin:
Posts: 1
Well, I can't figure this out. I have two sites, both running gallery1.
I installed the RandomPhoto Blocks on both sites with a center block.
Both sites load the block fine and show the thumbs, but only one site
will actually load the photo when you click the link for the image.
I can see exactly what's wrong when doing a mouse over and looking at
the url that will be loaded. The site that works shows " /phpnuke/ " in the path.
The site that doesn't work does Not have "/phpnuke/" in the path,
clicking gives me an invalid file error. (the path is missing /phpnuke/ ).
I'm using the same paths for the gallery application and album,
except for the domain obviously. Same directory file structure for both sites.
Is there a cache somewhere that needs to be deleted ??
When you do a mouseover, you'll see the path at the bottom of explorer.
ANY thoughts on why this is happening & how to fix it ???
I checked the block files over and over. I can't figure it out.
This site works :
This site does not work:
I've started from scratch 3 or 4 times with both sites.
Always the same results.. the Ohana site works, the No quarter site does not.
Gallery works fine as a module and as a stand alone for Both sites.
The only difference is that I tried to install the 'RandomPhotoV2SelectTest' blocks
on the No Quarter site before any of this. Those blocks didn't work either.
I just downloaded the files on Jan 10th, so I'm guessing they're the latest release.
Well... I reinstalled Gallery 1.5 , and added a newly named album.
Standalone and embedded in my PHPNUKE site, the Gallery works fine.
I Removed and installed the blocks, & deleted any cache files I could find.
Again the NG 'Most Popular' block works fine, but the 'Random' block doesn't.
While it was deactivated, I did a 'Show" from the admin module.
And It worked fine, no problems, had /phpnuke/ in the path, everything was great.
When I activated the block and went to the main page to view it,
the path changed back to the bad URL ( /phpnuke/ no longer exists!! ).
The thumb images load and display fine in the center block.
Anyone else have a problem with the NG-Random Photo Block on a phpnuke site?