Using Gallery Remote with Gallery embedded inside Geeklog


Joined: 2002-06-05
Posts: 81
Posted: Sat, 2002-12-21 08:31

Is there a way to make Gallery Remote work with a Gallery install wrapped inside Geeklog?

Before I wrapped Gallery inside Geeklog all was fine with Gallery Remote.

After I wrapped Gallery inside Geeklog I am unable to log in using Gallery Remote. I am told the password is incorrect. It doesn't matter which Gallery (or Geeklog) user I try, Gallery Remote is unable to log me in.

Obviously, I can install a second, unwrapped version of Gallery and share the album data. However, I would prefer to make Gallery Remote work with the wrapped install.

Any ideas?

John Hughes

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Mon, 2003-01-27 10:01

This is a general problem with installations of Gallery that are wrapped inside portal systems: user authentication is performed differently, and Gallery Remote (or rather the server-side piece of GR) doesn't know about it, and fails.

I would appreciate help on the subject. I think users of PostNuke have made some progress with this aspect.