small patch to add 'bulk deletes' to Gallery 1.4.x


Joined: 2005-02-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2005-02-28 12:50

I tend to upload a LOT of photos, and then sift through them after they're on the server when I have more time. Because of this, I need to do a bulk delete.

I wrote up a tool as attached - which modifies the view_gallery.php file to add a text field at the bottom of the screen which stores the pictureIDs that are to be deleted. There's another file bulkop.php that "catches" the deletions (cobbled together from delete_photo.php).

Tested against Gallery v1.4.4-pl6 and Gallery v1.4.4-pl2 (but the patch will fail to install if it can't match, anyhow)

bulkdelete.zip2.51 KB