A few simple questions (I am stumped)


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2005-03-04 20:40

Ok, I have gotten a little further using the tutorials. Now I am at this point: http://amosfamilyonline.com/gallery/

How do I change the width of the gallery part to bring it inside my tables?

How do I set the surrounding background color to #CCCCCC?

How do I set the gallery background color to #FFFFFF?

The "Powered by Gallery" does not seem to be in my footer section either, any ideas?

This way the environment matches my design. Thanks for the help.

I am trying to somewhat mimick this design: http://www.josefrancocastillo.com.ph/

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 00:26
sdamos wrote:
The "Powered by Gallery" does not seem to be in my footer section either, any ideas?

Your image for the bottom is http://www.amosfamilyonline.com/images/pagebottom.gif and it 157 pixels high. Cut it down and you footer will be closer to the bottom.


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 03:49

Ok, thanks, that fixes that part of it. Can you help me with some of the other questions in this post?



Joined: 2002-10-30
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Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 04:38

Did you try looking through any of the sticky threads in this forum? I think most of them deal with pretty much everything you are asking.


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 05:50

I managed to modify to the screen.css for my custom skin to get the background the way I want it, but I still cannot figure out how to get the gallery to be inside my borders. Somewhere around 700 to 720px and centered. Please tell me, I have been looking and I cannot figure it out.


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 17:23

I am using a skin called custom and I have gotten this far: http://amosfamilyonline.com/gallery/

I need to make the background grey, (CCCCCC) but using the embedded_styles.css in my custom/css folder is not doing the trick, how in the world do I change that blue to gray to match my border?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-05 17:32

view your source you are using gallery/css/screen.css.default so edit your gallery/css/screen.css.default

body {
    font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    font-size: 10px;
    background-color: #CCCCCC;
    color: #FFFFFF;

and save it without the .default extention


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 03:22

Ok, got it thanks. Few more questions.

How do I senter the "Powered by Gallery" and how do I change the color of the rediculous blue bar at the top of the gallery?


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 03:41

"Powered by Gallery": look in gallery.footer and album.footer and photo.footer you will see how the text is rendered

            <span class="fineprint">
	    <?php print poweredBy() ?>

wrap that in a <center> and </center> tags or add a center tag to the table or <td> tag.

Blue bar:
upgrade to the latest CVS or wait for 1.5RC2 or downgrade to 1.4.4PL6 or look at the code and you will see it is the adminbox class that is that table cell. So open your css you are using (base.css.default) and look for

#adminbox td {
    background-color: #6274CB; 
    font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;
    vertical-align: bottom;

Change the background-color to what you would like. Save without the .default extention.



Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 04:03

Ok, thank you! I am almost there. Finally, I need to change ALL the text color to the color of the gallery title "The Amos Family Online." Where are they all? Can I do them all in one CSS file?

Thanks a million, you have been a huge help.


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 04:23


Nevermind, I think I have that too. One thing I know I will need help with is this. At http://www.josefrancocastillo.com.ph/ Jose has a Slideshow button and IT Login button. I would like to remove my register button and leave the login button. How do I remove register? I am simply going to redesign the button for the Login for admin purposes. Thanks Dave!

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 04:33

removing the regsiter link: rerun the config wiz and turn off self registration.


Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 04:41

Got it!

I figured this one out, but it still is not working. I turned off slideshow in the config, deleted my album, recreated it, yet Slideshow is still an available option. How do I eliminate it?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 04:57

Are you sure it is not FAQ Gallery:c.34 Those are defaults and you might have to go into exsisting albums properties to turn off the slideshow.
and verify that $gallery->app->gallery_slideshow_type = "off"; in config.php



Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 05:46

Ok, I can do it that way, that works. I will edit each album as I add it. Here is another one for you Dave. How can I add my own custom META tags that will be on every page, or at least the index (Page that shows up first)?

Your the best, thanks.

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 05:56

in albums.php, view_album.php, view_photo.php and slideshow.php add meta tags before the <body> tag
you can add them in util.php like:

function metatags() {
	global $gallery;

	echo '<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css">';
	echo "\n  ". '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="Mime-Type; charset='. $gallery->charset .'">';
	echo "\n  ". '<meta name="content-language" content="' . str_replace ("_","-",$gallery->language) . '">';
	echo "\n  ". '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" SRC="' . makeGalleryUrl("js/hide_login.js") . '"></script>';
	echo "\n  ". '';
	echo "\n\n";

Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 06:18

Also Dave, at http://www.josefrancocastillo.com.ph/ Jose has his title hidden, like mine says, "Welcome Family and Friends!" His is hidden, yet when you go inside an album and view a picture, it is still available to click on in the upper-right to return to the main page. How did he hide this, yet it is still named, "Gallery: Jose Franco Corona Castillo" on his site.

Thanks for the above question and this one when you get around to them.

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 06:32

Joined: 2005-02-24
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-06 08:20

Dave, thank you so much. :D