include statement in block

sdimbert's picture

Joined: 2002-09-06
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-23 04:44

I've got two problems:

1 - I don't know what my_Gallery_Name is. How can I tell? I installed Gallery a while back.

2 - I'm getting the include statement in the Random_Block at I'm sure I've made a boneheaded newbie error. Can someone help me, please?

Warren's picture

Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 794
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-23 04:52

That should simply be 'gallery' in your situation; not 'BIAVPhotoGallery'. This referrs to the module name. The directory name under modules... :smile:

sdimbert's picture

Joined: 2002-09-06
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-23 05:03

OK... so now it's named properly in the "include" statement that everyone can see in the block space because the block is showing code and not pictures. :???:

What am I missing?

(Thanks for the quick response, btw)