wow I planned purchasing Invision Gallery, so I don't have two user-db's etc.. I've used G2 before, so if there is a port I would love to use it. But what's so bad about Invision Gallery then ?
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-23 12:16
G2 and IPB 2.0.4 bridge would be most welcome... Not that I can offer any means of helping someone code it, just adding to the list of IPB forum owners that would love to use G2 in favour of the rubbish IPS have churned out recently!
Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-24 12:02
just hope for the best, I haven't seen any new updates for this one, it's sad.
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-06 14:01
What's the official stance from the makers of Gallery on this? Is it something they are planning to implement, or, should we be looking to 3rd party coders to fill the gap?
Joined: 2005-11-22
Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 2006-03-19 00:10
it's been ignored... ah well.. we just use hacked logins for general entry and hope that someday gallery offer a true integration again...
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 2006-03-19 00:45
That sucks!
Joined: 2004-04-17
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2006-04-04 09:23
this is really sad, still no updates.
as much as many of us wants to use G2 (and possibly others want to donate), but with no integration support available (be it official or community-unofficial), most will just use other gallery applications who are now closely running at par with G2, I guess I don't need to mention what those are.
I guess with all that waiting, its a sealed deal to use G2's stiff competitor.
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-15 08:02
Who you planning on using with IPB? I've tried Invision Gallery but that sucks major league, not overly fussed on coppermine either. Getting images, and LOTS of them into a gallery is of prime importance to me (and possibly the idea of downloading bulk images too, as zips).
Joined: 2006-06-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2006-06-10 17:13
I am dieing for a legit gallery script.. Coppermine sux balls but it has IPB intergration... Please, developers, bump bump bump. :'(
Joined: 2005-11-22
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-04 05:10
sorry guys.. the months go by and the most popular purchased forum software out there still is seems has no means to be used with gallery 1.5.1 or gallery 2.x
You think just looking at the price that invision charges for its crap gallery software and knowing that if they places a means to actually embed it menaltos real gallery, that someone might be mking this a priority...
I'm beginning to suspect that invision pays menalto to prevent the embed to happen...
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2006-08-22 16:00
we'll gladly provide guidance to anyone who wants to work on this..
Things have been busy and hectic so I haven't had a lot of time to devote to this project. I've been working with MK Portal and a few other websites. MK Portal integrates with IPB 2.x and it has a module for Gallery that integrates with it. That has been the best solution.
I had to abandon the integration I was doing because every version of IPB there have been changes which require more changes to the modification. There is a way to create a module for IPB so it isn't effect by future updates but my experience is limited as I'm just a beginner. The last version we had running with 2.0.4 required a lot of hacks and editing and wasn't a viable solution. When they moved from 2.0.1 to 2.0.4 because I didn't have the time I had to hire an outsourced programmer to update it. Now that we are going to 2.1.7, I can't keep hiring a programmer to do another update so I stopped work on it.
The best method would be for someone more experienced to look at the module system in IPB. Then figure out how to intergrate Gallery with that module system so it isn't effected as much by forum updates.
I have read the majority of this post, but have gotten very confused and I could use some simple exaplaining / instructions on my querey!
Basically, I don't need my Gallery 2 to embed into Invision, only so that when a user logs on in the forum, he is logged on in the gallery as well and vica versa. The same applies for registration, deletion etc... Basically, I just want to syncronise the user data for both applications.
Is this easy to do? If so, would anyone mind possibly laying out some insctructions for me?
Many thanks!
Joined: 2006-06-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-16 11:53
Shadow_Wolf, thanks for putting the time you've spent into this project. I hope to see a release soon. You got to save IPB members from Coppermine! :'( I'm using it now as my gallery script intergrated with IPB and the users hate it. My primary complaint is that the uploading script for Coppermine is rediculous! People just want to upload a bunch of images and put into one album at one time! I hate uploading a bunch of images, then individually selecting each album to drop them in... Oh plus the group intergration with Coppermine is retarded, user albums has a bunch of bugs too...
In conclusion, I hope that you can release this intergration! I really want to support G2 after using it for a few projects in the past!
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-16 12:03
We live in hope that someone sporting much kudos sorts G2 integration out with IPB... seems a lil daft that after such a very long time we're still no closer to an official release....anything 3rd party would be immense :D
Joined: 2006-12-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2006-12-16 13:14
Just come along today as I was possibly thinking of giving free galleries out to my donating members through there forum account on invision board. I made a module for my own site a couple of years back, I was a novice at PHP coding or still am so it might be pretty crappy code but basically it allows my visitors to access some downloads on my site whilst authenticating them against the IPB database and still works with the current 2.2 version.
It looks for the cookie and then checks the password against the database, if the cookie doenst exist gives them a username/password box and after authenticated sets the cookie, heres the code :-
$cookieurl = "";
function cleanexit(){
Header("WWW-authenticate: basic realm=\"My Realm\"");
Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
include "";
if(!$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and !$_COOKIE['member_id']) {
Header("WWW-authenticate: basic realm=\"My Realm\"");
Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
include "";
} else {
$pa->db->name = "mpfs";
$pa->db->host = "localhost";
$pa->db->user = "";
$pa->db->password = "";
$pa->db->link = mysql_connect($pa->db->host, $pa->db->user, $pa->db->password) or die("Database Error [ref=1]");
mysql_select_db($pa->db->name) or die("Database Error [ref=2]");
if ($_COOKIE['member_id']) {
$pa->db->query = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_members` WHERE `id` = " . $_COOKIE['member_id'];
$pa->db->result = mysql_query($pa->db->query) or die("Database Error [ref=3]");
$pa->db->val = mysql_fetch_object($pa->db->result);
$pa->db->query = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_members_converge` WHERE `converge_id` = " . $pa->db->val->id;
$pa->db->result = mysql_query($pa->db->query) or die("Database Error [ref=3]");
$pa->db->val2 = mysql_fetch_object($pa->db->result);
if ($pa->db->val->member_login_key != $_COOKIE['pass_hash']){
setcookie ("member_id", "0", time() - 3600, "/", "$cookieurl");
setcookie ("pass_hash", "0", time() - 3600, "/", "$cookieurl");
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_user'])){
$_SESSION['pa_user'] = $pa->db->val->name;
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_pass'])){
$_SESSION['pa_pass'] = $pa->db->val2->converge_pass_hash;
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_ip'])){
//$_SESSION['pa_ip'] = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_user'])){
$_SESSION['pa_user'] = str_replace("'","'",$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);
$_SESSION['pa_user'] = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['pa_user']);
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_ip'])){
//$_SESSION['pa_ip'] = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$pa->db->query = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_members` WHERE `name` = '" . $_SESSION['pa_user'] . "';";
$pa->db->result = mysql_query($pa->db->query) or die("Database Error [ref=3]");
$pa->db->val = mysql_fetch_object($pa->db->result);
$pa->db->query = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_members_converge` WHERE `converge_id` = " . $pa->db->val->id;
$pa->db->result = mysql_query($pa->db->query) or die("Database Error [ref=3]");
$pa->db->val2 = mysql_fetch_object($pa->db->result);
if (!isset($_SESSION['pa_pass'])){
$_SESSION['pa_pass'] = md5(md5($pa->db->val2->converge_pass_salt).md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
if ($pa->db->val2->converge_pass_hash == $_SESSION['pa_pass']){
setcookie ("member_id", $pa->db->val->id, time() + 60*60*24*365, "/", "$cookieurl");
setcookie ("pass_hash", $pa->db->val->member_login_key, time() + 60*60*24*365, "/", "$cookieurl");
//$pa_ip1 = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if($pa->db->val2->converge_pass_hash == $_SESSION['pa_pass']) {
// and $pa_ip1 == $_SESSION['pa_ip']
if ($pa->db->val->mgroup == 5){
$_SESSION['pa_level'] = 1;
}elseif($pa->db->val->mgroup == 6){
$_SESSION['pa_level'] = 2;
}elseif($pa->db->val->mgroup == 7 or $pa->db->val->mgroup == 4 or $pa->db->val->mgroup == 9 or $pa->db->val->mgroup == 11 or $pa->db->val->mgroup == 13){
$_SESSION['pa_level'] = 3;
$_SESSION['pa_level'] = -1;
function normalexit() {
Hopefully it will be useful, if not dont shoot the messenger but I'm sure it should be as it has the correct tables and authentication methods as used in IPB and works fine for me
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-18 14:09
Oooh, that code looks interesting, how would one go about making the 'module'?
Joined: 2006-12-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-18 22:11
Well thats not an actual module for gallery, its a small module I made for including into other little applications I made to authenticate users before the applications were run. It just so happens that it was designed to authenticate against IPB so I thought maybe some of the techniques might aid others in designing a gallery module.
I might have a go at making the gallery module myself if noone else takes up the task, I just need to find time and be sure its something I need as time is hard to find these days!
Joined: 2006-01-23
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2006-12-18 22:21
Well, if you do take up the challenge, you'll have much kudos for doing so!!! I'm still aghast with flabber that there isn't an official bridge between G2 and IPB :|
Joined: 2007-03-15
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2007-06-21 00:54
So, I read through this thread, but I'm still confused. Is there a script that will integrate Gallery2 into the latest IPB release? IPB has a gallery add-on but it's clearly not as good as G2.
Nope, G2 will never work with IPB. Either folk are happy to give snippets of code away, which in themselves does not make a workable mod, or, the G2 bods simply cannot be arsed to create the bridging code - which frankly I find laughable. I'd promote G2 to the hilt on a couple of IPB forums I run (replacing the junk IPS distribute as a gallery) but alas, it's not to be...
Joined: 2007-03-15
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2007-06-21 12:15
That is a shame. As far as commercial boards go, I definitely think the new IPB is the best. I dare say it's even better than VB. I will make some noise on the IPB boards and see if anyone knows anything about a migration between Gallery and IPB.
hehe.. now the years go by and the number 1 used forum software still has no means to be used with the same logins as gallery 1.5 or 2... Maybe the programmers whom work on gallery are just unable to handle the coding that IPB uses. I just wish they would admit this and put out a call for some of those college wiz kids to do it for them.
i wonder if there are any easy to find examples on new login adapters for gallery2.
i am using invisionboard quite a while now side by side with gallery. ipb now ship swith converge (some sort of single sign on) and some xml-rpc capabilities. during the last few iterations of new forum version the ipb components (~plugins) api was quite stable. so things seem to be ready without having modding on either side.
for starters i tried to find some example that replaces the galley2 login mechanism. will such a thing end up as a gallery2 plugin?
as an alternate way i saw some hook methods in ipb that would allow tracking user creation / modification. so if it works changes could be announced to gallery2 via xml-rpc (gallery2 offers this)? i plan loose coupling. so gallery2 / ipb do not need to run on the same machine / database.
i downloaded the developer gallery2 edition. but currently i am quite lost
so at the moment any ideas or example code would be cool
Joined: 2004-04-03
Posts: 181
Posted: Mon, 2007-11-26 17:06
The best method for a G2 Integration with IP.Board is to use the new IP.Converge method. IP.Converge is no longer in beta and is packaged with IP.Board. It links multiple IP member databases together. Basically IP.Converge has its own member database, entries into it when they visit the other forums get created into those own forum databases (just in case you ever decide to unintegrate, member databases stay intact).
The way to go about it is to use what they do with their current forums and apply it to G2 by creating a Plugin for IP.Converge. From looking at other discussions and requests it is something that could be done but requiring an experienced PHP programmer.
From what I understand to start working on this and get it to work, you would need to utilize the converge_local folder located within the IP.Board base installation. That would need to be copied into the Gallery2 root directory and then modified to apply itself to G2 instead of IP.Board. The login process would need to be modified to send a XMLRPC request to IP.Converge. An example of how IP.Board does that can be found within sources/loginauth/converge/auth.php within the IP.Board base directory.
If someone is interested in working on this but does not have access to the converge_local or auth.php files, I can provide them for you. Even though this is technically against the EULA for IP Brandon and Charles are ok with it developers working providing we release the Plugin for others to use as well.
Documentation on the Converge XML-RPC process is here.
Joined: 2004-03-01
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2007-12-13 00:04
after some sleep this was more or less what i thought about. i guessed i needed to create an additional gallery2 plugin. so almost my dreams where close to reality
i currently do not use converge with my board. but i will try the steps you describe with the test-forum and hope for the best.
thanks for the directions!
'til later
Joined: 2009-10-08
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 16:08
is this topic somehow continued?
is it possible to integrate IPB 3 and gallery2 or gallery3?
Posts: 17
wow I planned purchasing Invision Gallery, so I don't have two user-db's etc.. I've used G2 before, so if there is a port I would love to use it. But what's so bad about Invision Gallery then ?
Posts: 9
G2 and IPB 2.0.4 bridge would be most welcome... Not that I can offer any means of helping someone code it, just adding to the list of IPB forum owners that would love to use G2 in favour of the rubbish IPS have churned out recently!
Posts: 14
just hope for the best, I haven't seen any new updates for this one, it's sad.
Posts: 9
What's the official stance from the makers of Gallery on this? Is it something they are planning to implement, or, should we be looking to 3rd party coders to fill the gap?
Posts: 19
it's been ignored... ah well.. we just use hacked logins for general entry and hope that someday gallery offer a true integration again...
Posts: 9
That sucks!
Posts: 14
this is really sad, still no updates.
as much as many of us wants to use G2 (and possibly others want to donate), but with no integration support available (be it official or community-unofficial), most will just use other gallery applications who are now closely running at par with G2, I guess I don't need to mention what those are.
I guess with all that waiting, its a sealed deal to use G2's stiff competitor.
Posts: 9
Who you planning on using with IPB? I've tried Invision Gallery but that sucks major league, not overly fussed on coppermine either. Getting images, and LOTS of them into a gallery is of prime importance to me (and possibly the idea of downloading bulk images too, as zips).
Posts: 2
I am dieing for a legit gallery script.. Coppermine sux balls but it has IPB intergration... Please, developers, bump bump bump. :'(
Posts: 19
sorry guys.. the months go by and the most popular purchased forum software out there still is seems has no means to be used with gallery 1.5.1 or gallery 2.x
You think just looking at the price that invision charges for its crap gallery software and knowing that if they places a means to actually embed it menaltos real gallery, that someone might be mking this a priority...
I'm beginning to suspect that invision pays menalto to prevent the embed to happen...
Posts: 8601
we'll gladly provide guidance to anyone who wants to work on this..
Also vote for this request:
Posts: 9
Woowee!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have my vote :D
Posts: 181
Things have been busy and hectic so I haven't had a lot of time to devote to this project. I've been working with MK Portal and a few other websites. MK Portal integrates with IPB 2.x and it has a module for Gallery that integrates with it. That has been the best solution.
I had to abandon the integration I was doing because every version of IPB there have been changes which require more changes to the modification. There is a way to create a module for IPB so it isn't effect by future updates but my experience is limited as I'm just a beginner. The last version we had running with 2.0.4 required a lot of hacks and editing and wasn't a viable solution. When they moved from 2.0.1 to 2.0.4 because I didn't have the time I had to hire an outsourced programmer to update it. Now that we are going to 2.1.7, I can't keep hiring a programmer to do another update so I stopped work on it.
The best method would be for someone more experienced to look at the module system in IPB. Then figure out how to intergrate Gallery with that module system so it isn't effected as much by forum updates.
Posts: 1
I have read the majority of this post, but have gotten very confused and I could use some simple exaplaining / instructions on my querey!
Basically, I don't need my Gallery 2 to embed into Invision, only so that when a user logs on in the forum, he is logged on in the gallery as well and vica versa. The same applies for registration, deletion etc... Basically, I just want to syncronise the user data for both applications.
Is this easy to do? If so, would anyone mind possibly laying out some insctructions for me?
Many thanks!
Posts: 2
Shadow_Wolf, thanks for putting the time you've spent into this project. I hope to see a release soon. You got to save IPB members from Coppermine! :'( I'm using it now as my gallery script intergrated with IPB and the users hate it. My primary complaint is that the uploading script for Coppermine is rediculous! People just want to upload a bunch of images and put into one album at one time! I hate uploading a bunch of images, then individually selecting each album to drop them in... Oh plus the group intergration with Coppermine is retarded, user albums has a bunch of bugs too...
In conclusion, I hope that you can release this intergration! I really want to support G2 after using it for a few projects in the past!
Posts: 9
We live in hope that someone sporting much kudos sorts G2 integration out with IPB... seems a lil daft that after such a very long time we're still no closer to an official release....anything 3rd party would be immense :D
Posts: 2
Just come along today as I was possibly thinking of giving free galleries out to my donating members through there forum account on invision board. I made a module for my own site a couple of years back, I was a novice at PHP coding or still am so it might be pretty crappy code but basically it allows my visitors to access some downloads on my site whilst authenticating them against the IPB database and still works with the current 2.2 version.
It looks for the cookie and then checks the password against the database, if the cookie doenst exist gives them a username/password box and after authenticated sets the cookie, heres the code :-
Hopefully it will be useful, if not dont shoot the messenger but I'm sure it should be as it has the correct tables and authentication methods as used in IPB and works fine for me
Posts: 9
Oooh, that code looks interesting, how would one go about making the 'module'?
Posts: 2
Well thats not an actual module for gallery, its a small module I made for including into other little applications I made to authenticate users before the applications were run. It just so happens that it was designed to authenticate against IPB so I thought maybe some of the techniques might aid others in designing a gallery module.
I might have a go at making the gallery module myself if noone else takes up the task, I just need to find time and be sure its something I need as time is hard to find these days!
Posts: 9
Well, if you do take up the challenge, you'll have much kudos for doing so!!! I'm still aghast with flabber that there isn't an official bridge between G2 and IPB :|
Posts: 6
So, I read through this thread, but I'm still confused. Is there a script that will integrate Gallery2 into the latest IPB release? IPB has a gallery add-on but it's clearly not as good as G2.
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 9
Nope, G2 will never work with IPB. Either folk are happy to give snippets of code away, which in themselves does not make a workable mod, or, the G2 bods simply cannot be arsed to create the bridging code - which frankly I find laughable. I'd promote G2 to the hilt on a couple of IPB forums I run (replacing the junk IPS distribute as a gallery) but alas, it's not to be...
Posts: 6
That is a shame. As far as commercial boards go, I definitely think the new IPB is the best. I dare say it's even better than VB. I will make some noise on the IPB boards and see if anyone knows anything about a migration between Gallery and IPB.
I also agree the IPS gallery is awful.
Posts: 19
hehe.. now the years go by and the number 1 used forum software still has no means to be used with the same logins as gallery 1.5 or 2... Maybe the programmers whom work on gallery are just unable to handle the coding that IPB uses. I just wish they would admit this and put out a call for some of those college wiz kids to do it for them.
Posts: 8601
maybe you should read this thread...
( )
Posts: 7
hallo there
i wonder if there are any easy to find examples on new login adapters for gallery2.
i am using invisionboard quite a while now side by side with gallery. ipb now ship swith converge (some sort of single sign on) and some xml-rpc capabilities. during the last few iterations of new forum version the ipb components (~plugins) api was quite stable. so things seem to be ready without having modding on either side.
for starters i tried to find some example that replaces the galley2 login mechanism. will such a thing end up as a gallery2 plugin?
as an alternate way i saw some hook methods in ipb that would allow tracking user creation / modification. so if it works changes could be announced to gallery2 via xml-rpc (gallery2 offers this)? i plan loose coupling. so gallery2 / ipb do not need to run on the same machine / database.
i downloaded the developer gallery2 edition. but currently i am quite lost
so at the moment any ideas or example code would be cool
Posts: 181
The best method for a G2 Integration with IP.Board is to use the new IP.Converge method. IP.Converge is no longer in beta and is packaged with IP.Board. It links multiple IP member databases together. Basically IP.Converge has its own member database, entries into it when they visit the other forums get created into those own forum databases (just in case you ever decide to unintegrate, member databases stay intact).
The way to go about it is to use what they do with their current forums and apply it to G2 by creating a Plugin for IP.Converge. From looking at other discussions and requests it is something that could be done but requiring an experienced PHP programmer.
From what I understand to start working on this and get it to work, you would need to utilize the converge_local folder located within the IP.Board base installation. That would need to be copied into the Gallery2 root directory and then modified to apply itself to G2 instead of IP.Board. The login process would need to be modified to send a XMLRPC request to IP.Converge. An example of how IP.Board does that can be found within sources/loginauth/converge/auth.php within the IP.Board base directory.
If someone is interested in working on this but does not have access to the converge_local or auth.php files, I can provide them for you. Even though this is technically against the EULA for IP Brandon and Charles are ok with it developers working providing we release the Plugin for others to use as well.
Documentation on the Converge XML-RPC process is here.
Posts: 7
after some sleep this was more or less what i thought about. i guessed i needed to create an additional gallery2 plugin. so almost my dreams where close to reality
i currently do not use converge with my board. but i will try the steps you describe with the test-forum and hope for the best.
thanks for the directions!
'til later
Posts: 6
is this topic somehow continued?
is it possible to integrate IPB 3 and gallery2 or gallery3?