I'm trying to install Gallery (v1.4.4-pl6) for the first time. I ran the configuration wizard, setup my album directory, and then tried to upload images.
When creating an album, I can upload the first photo fine. Any additional images I try to upload gives me a popup saying:
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
(http://<url to gallery>/gallery/gallery_remote2.php)
I get this message with both little and big java applet.
Read the FAQ and didn't see anything pertaining to this. Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Much thanks.
The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: v1.4.4-pl6
Apache version: 1.3.31
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 5.0.2
Graphics Toolkit: ImageMagick 6.2.0 and netPBM installed
Operating system: client-side (XP) server-side (2.6.10-gentoo-r6)
Web browser/version (if applicable): Firefox 1.0.1
Posts: 13451
[Moved to Gallery remote forum]
Posts: 3
h0bbel, Someone had just asked, "I'm trying to install Gallery (v1.4.4-pl6) for the first time. I ran the configuration wizard, setup my album directory, and then tried to upload images.
When creating an album, I can upload the first photo fine. Any additional images I try to upload gives me a popup saying:
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
(http://<url to gallery>/gallery/gallery_remote2.php)
I get this message with both little and big java applet. "
I am having the same problem and I noticed that you had replied with hopefully a solution, although it did not say what you said. If you could please help me out as well I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you! :lol:
Posts: 3
lewkir, hi I was wander if you have ever figure it out about the
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
(http://<url to gallery>/gallery/gallery_remote2.php)
I am having the same problem, do you think you could help me out?
Thank you :P
Posts: 1
Gallery: v1.4.4-pl6
Gallery Remote: 1.4.1
Apache Server: 2.0.50
PhP Version: 4.3.7
Operating System: Win2k3
Web Browser: FireFox 1.0.1
Gallery within PhpNuke 7.3
Error message:
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
(http://<url to gallery>/Gallery/gallery_remote2.php)
Hi there I have the same problem. I have created albums and uploaded via the normal 'Form' method. I input the URL directly into the browser and I receive the message:
This page is not meant to be accessed from your browser. If you would like to use Gallery Remote, please refer to Gallery's website located at http://gallery.sourceforge.net
SO this proves that my URL is configured correctly within 'Gallery Remote' , but when attempting to logn, no joy. Any ideas??
Posts: 15
One of my users had the same problem, but only with files greater than 800 KB. All smaller files uploaded normally.
Have you checked your file sizes?
Sorry if it is just a coincidence, but thought it was worth mentioning.
Posts: 8
I'm having the same problem. Actually, I get the same error from both my Mac and my PC. The upload applet doesnt work either. I've seen the PHP.ini solution (doesn't help) and the write access solution. I saw one response was that when ever you get the "gallery_remote2.php" error its because Gallery is trying to find a G1 gallery and not a G2, but I don't know how I would fix this if this was the problem. Is this a setting somewhere in a config file, or the admin page? Thanks so much in advance. Anyone have any more ideas?
Posts: 17
I am having the same problem. I've searched the forums for about an hour. In the small applet and the "Gallery Remote" big applet I get the same thing, except, when using the small applet, it's not until I try to upload the files that it happens. With the big applet it gives the error when I try to connect to the gallery. I need to use the remote applet because I'm in Australia for the next 3 months and they charge by the amount of data transfer, so I need to resize on the fly.
My details:
PHP Version 4.3.9
MySQL 4.0.21-max
Windows XP SP2 + current security updates
Abyss Web Server X1 (version (works great)
Gallery2 - Dark Fibre (Love it)
This is the first time I've had a problem with Gallery. I really like Gallery2 as opposed to the original (which was also very good) and would like to get it working properly.
Someone please help!!!!
Posts: 1479
mobrien, your problem is with G2. Can you create a different thread?
Can someone else who has this problem attach a GR log file?FAQ Gallery Remote:3
Posts: 8
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10|INFO |SysProps |java.endorsed.dirs= |C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\endorsed|
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10|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
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10|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find defaults.properties in Classpath
10|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find C:\Documents and Settings\jkmchew\.GalleryRemote\GalleryRemote.properties in Classpath
20|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find C:\Documents and Settings\jkmchew\.GalleryRemote\GalleryRemote.properties in Current Working Dir
50|TRACE|UsrProps |aboutText= |Gallery Remote
A part of the Gallery Open-Source Project
Maintained by:
Pierre-Luc Paour
Initial version by Chris Smith
Tim Miller
Dolan Halbrook
Markus Cozowicz
Scott Gartner
Amedeo Paglione
Chris Schwerdt
Seth Ladd
Artwork by Ross A. Reyman
Bundled software:
Java look and feel Graphics Repository icons
jpegtran, Guido Vollbeding's version
50|TRACE|UsrProps |albumPictureDividerLocation= |180|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |appletDividerLocation= |250|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |appletShowResize= |true|
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |glGalleryUrl.0= |http://example.com/path/to/gallery/$GALLERYFILE$|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |glLoginUrl.0= |http://example.com/path/to/geeklog/public_html/users.php?loginname=$USERNAME$&passwd=$PASSWORD$|
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |mruCount= |4|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |password.0= |eHVtbWVyMQ==|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |phpnGalleryUrl.0= |http://example.com/modules.php?name=gallery&include=$GALLERYFILE$|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |phpnLoginUrl.0= |http://example.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=login&username=$USERNAME$&user_password=$PASSWORD$|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |pnGalleryUrl.0= |http://example.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=$GALLERYFILE$|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |pnLoginUrl.0= |http://example.com/user.php?uname=$USERNAME$&pass=$PASSWORD$&module=NS-User&op=login|
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |proxyUsername= ||
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |slideshowRandom= |false|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |slideshowRecursive= |false|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |slideshowUrlLocation= |0|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |sortType= |1|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |suppressWarningCorrupted= |false|
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |suppressWarningJava= |false|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |suppressWarningJpegtran= |false|
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50|TRACE|UsrProps |updateCheck= |true|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |updateCheckBeta= |true|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |updateUrl= |http://gallery.sourceforge.net/gallery_remote_version_check.php|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |updateUrlBeta= |http://gallery.sourceforge.net/gallery_remote_version_check_beta.php|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |url.0= |http://www.mywebsite/gallery/|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |useJavaResize= |true|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |useProxy= |false|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |username.0= |admin|
50|TRACE|UsrProps |version= |1.4.2-b12|
380|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find Gallery Remote.lax in Classpath
380|INFO |Update |LAX classpath up to date
1902|INFO |GRI18n |en
1982|INFO |ImageUtils|tmpDir: C:\DOCUME~1\jkmchew\LOCALS~1\Temp\thumbs
1982|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find imagemagick/im.properties in Current Working Dir
2012|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
2012|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: imagemagick/win32/convert.exe
2012|INFO |ImageUtils|imIgnoreErrorCode: false
2083|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find jpegtran/jpegtran.properties in Current Working Dir
2083|INFO |ImageUtils|useJpegtran: true
2083|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranPath: jpegtran/win32/jpegtran.exe
2083|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranIgnoreErrorCode: false
2093|TRACE|PictInspec|emptyIconHeight: 17
2774|INFO |Gallery |Loaded saved URL 0: http://www.mywebsite/gallery/ (admin/******)
2824|TRACE|MainFrame |updateGalleryParams: current gallery: http://www.mywebsite/gallery/
2824|TRACE|MainFrame |updatePicturesList: current album: null
5978|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 CST 2005 new: Thu Aug 26 00:00:00 CST 2004
6940|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 CST 2005 new: Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 CST 2005
11346|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Fetch
12437|TRACE|GalComm |Trying protocol 2 for http://www.mywebsite/gallery/
12948|TRACE|GalComm |tryComm /gallery/gallery_remote2.php: 200
12948|TRACE|GalComm |Server has protocol 2
12978|INFO |MainFrame |fetchAlbums starting
12988|INFO |GalComm2 |Logging in to http://www.mywebsite/gallery/
12988|TRACE|GalComm2 |login parameters: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=cmd,value=login], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=protocol_version,value=2.3], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=uname,value=admin], null]
12988|TRACE|GalComm2 |Connecting to: /gallery/gallery_remote2.php
13789|TRACE|GalComm2 |<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Internal Server Error</TITLE><STYLE>body { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;}a { text-decoration: underline; color: #c50000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;}a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #c50000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY link='#ff0000' vlink='#ff00000' alink='#ff00000'><b><font face='Arial' size='5'>Internal Server Error</font><br>&</b><table border='1' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0'style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='#111111' width='62%'bgcolor='#F0F0F0'><tr><td width='100%' height='54'><STRONG><font size='2' face='Arial'><br>File not found.
13789|ERROR|GalComm2 |com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GR2Exception: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ( http://www.mywebsite/gallery/gallery_remote2.php )
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GalleryComm2.requestResponse(GalleryComm2.java:1346)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GalleryComm2$GalleryTask.login(GalleryComm2.java:387)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GalleryComm2$GalleryTask.run(GalleryComm2.java:286)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
13789|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ( http://www.mywebsite/gallery/gallery_remote2.php )
18306|TRACE|GalComm2 |Failed to log in to http://www.mywebsite/gallery/
41299|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected File.Quit
41299|INFO |MainFrame |Shutting down GR
41740|INFO |MainFrame |Shutting down log
Assume mywebsite=xxxx.com
thank you
Posts: 1479
Mikechew, do you indeed have a file http://www.mywebsite/gallery/gallery_remote2.php ?
Posts: 8
no sir.
please advise where should i get this package of files? (as i don't see this file in the Gallery_remote_1.4.2-b12.zip or GalleryRemote.1.4.1.Win32.NoVM.exe)
thank you,
Posts: 1479
It's normally part of the Gallery installation. If you don't have it, it means your Gallery install is incomplete.
You should reinstall the latest stable Gallery.
Just making sure: you're using G1, right, not G2?
Posts: 8
i am using G2 (not an upgrade.)
i used to using G1, i tried it without any problem. but now i wish to try G2 so realize it has little bit different with G1.
any advice for me on G2?
thank you in advance.![:)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 4
I have had the same issue with G2 - "Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL"
Most likely your webserver is not returning a 404 status code, but a default page or something gallery remote doesn't know what to do with.
I was able to fix this error by creating a file called gallery_remote2.php in the gallery directory (/gallery2 for me) and putting the following code into that file:
This got rid of the problem for me. Hope this is helpful.
Posts: 1479
bmenking, thanks for finding an elegant solution, and thanks for the cross-posting![:-)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 8
Hey bmenking
you are really something! great, it really work.
BTW, thank you for paour for being so patient and helpful.
thank you all!
Posts: 4
Your welcome paour. The Gallery Team has great vision and a great product. Keep up the good work!
Posts: 4
this method does not work for me. Are there any other options?
also i already have the gallery_remote2.php file.
Posts: 15
after much distress i finnally figured out why this was not working for me.
If you are using apache 2.0 try a http/2.0 instead of 1.0 that fixed my problem!
Posts: 1479
Does it also work with http/1.1 ? http 2.0 doesn't exist![:-)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 6
Has anyone resolved this? I'm running a fresh install of gallery 1.5 and also get the "but Gallery not found at this URL" error message when running the upload applets.
I tried the suggestion to creating a gallery_remote2.php file to return a 404 and it does. I then get...
Error:HTTP POST failed (HTTP 404 Not Found)
Posts: 1479
If you're running Gallery 1.5, then you should have a gallery_remote2.php file already...
Posts: 6
I do have one. I was simply trying the suggested fix. I have put back the original gallery_remote2.php that came with the installation.
When I try and add photos using either of the applets I get...
This is the correct URL for it and if I just point a browser to it I get...
Posts: 1479
The current G2 CVS has a work-around for servers that report a 200 OK code for missing pages. Right now it only works for applets.
Posts: 1479
SloopHim, can you attach your applet log?
FAQ Gallery Remote:3
Posts: 6
Do you need the entire thing or are you just looking for this? I would rather not share the site with the world at this time.
Also, I should mention this is wrapped in geeklog and works well with the exception of this issue.
Thanks for the help,
Posts: 1479
SloopHim, nope that's not enough. You can PM it to me if you want to keep it private.
Posts: 1479
SloopHim, I logged in to your site and ran the slideshow applet with problem. Did you change something?
Posts: 6
Actually I had never tried that. It's the Applets in "add photo" that don't work. Both "Applet" and "Applet (Big)" give you the "Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ( http://mysite.com/gallery/gallery_remote2.php )" when you click "upload"
Posts: 1479
SloopHim, OK. I'll need a login to test that. It's strange though, because the error you got should have appeared in the applet I tested, too.
Posts: 1479
SloopHim, you got a funky redirect in there. When GR tries to access http://yoursite.com/gallery/gallery_remote2.php, it gets redirected to "?ssid=blahblah", which is not a valid redirect (Location: headers must be an absolute URI). I guess browsers are more tolerant than the HTTP library GR uses.
Posts: 6
Now I'm lost. I have to assume geeklog is creating the re-direct but I can't find it anywhere. Was "?ssid=blahblah" the actual redirect? I searched all my code for blahblah and nothing is found.
Do the Applets work for anyone who has Gallery embedded in geeklog?
Posts: 1479
blahblah is a placeholder for a long string of number.
Posts: 6
Hmmm, Does the applet pass the userid? perhaps it's being redirected because it doesn't think the user is authenticated? perhaps it's trying to wrap the window that should open showing the progress in geeklog?
I'm basically grasping at straws here. Anyone have any ideas where to look?
Posts: 2
I'm having the same issue - and I too am wrapped in Geeklog -
I only get the error when I am logged in to Geeklog. If you view a slideshow - not logged in - it works fine. Login however and the slideshow will then give the same error.
You can't upload pics unless you are logged in so there doesn't seem to be a fix for the remote applet uploading.
Posts: 20
i have the same issue with phpnuke 7.6 patched 3.1 from nukefixes.com & Gallery 1.5
i found out that in the mainfile.php the following code breaks the upload,
so it seems for me that the gallery applet doesn't send the HTTP_REFERER header. If i disable this peace of code the upload works fine.
any hints ?
Posts: 21
Posts: 20
OK its a hint, but if i am right that the gallery remote doesn't send the HTTP_REFERER header, it should be fixed.....
with best regards
Posts: 10
I'm using Apache 2.0 and PHP 5.0.5-dev.
With Gallery2 core 0.9.37, I get "Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL" when I try to login with Gallery Remote. If I enable URL rewrite (which includes a rule redirecting gallery_remote2.php to .), I then get "Error: HTTP POST failed (HTTP 404 Not Found)".
I have a separate installation on a different virtual host, but it's a multisite installation of Gallery2 core 0.9.33, URL rewrite enabled, and Gallery Remote works great with it.
Any thoughts?
Posts: 1
Following are congiguration on my pc:
Gallery: v1.4.4-pl6
Gallery Remote: 1.4.1
IIS Server: 5.0
PhP Version: 4.3.7
Operating System: Win2k3
Web Browser:Internet Explorer 5.0
Gallery within standalone
Error message:
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
(http://<url to gallery>/Gallery/gallery_remote2.php)
Hi there I have the same problem. I have created albums and uploaded via the normal 'Form' method. I input the URL directly into the browser and I receive the message:
This page is not meant to be accessed from your browser. If you would like to use Gallery Remote, please refer to Gallery's website located at http://gallery.sourceforge.net
SO this proves that my URL is configured correctly within 'Gallery Remote' , but when attempting to logn, no joy. Any ideas??
Posts: 1
Paor, I too have installed G2 which is located at www.veggiefest.com/gallery2/ When attempting to connect to G2 via GR I got an error message indicating that gallery_remote2.php did not exist. After checking I realized that it did not exist. I created it with the following:
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
After doing this I attempted to connect again and I get HTTP Post failed (HTTP 404 Not found).
Here is what I am running on the hosting platform:
PHP 4.4.0
Apache 1.3.33
Can you recommend any fixes? Thanks for your support in advance.
Posts: 19
I'm using:
Gallery 1.5_p1
GR 1.5
I am able to access gallery 1.5 on my server using firefox browser from a remote computer, and when I try to open gallery_remote2.php with firefox I get the following page:
When I try to login using GR 1.5 I get:
I will be glad to PM my IP and log if they will be beneficial...
Posts: 1479
Gruenwald, can you indeed PM or attach your URL and log?
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 19
PM sent.
Posts: 1479
Gruenwald, you seem to have copied the gallery_remote2.php file from G1 into G2. That can't work. Either delete that file, or just replace it with the short PHP script as described here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/27540#comment-128074
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 19
When I use the following script as my gallery_remote2.php file:
I get the following GR error:
I have copies of gallery_remote.php as well as gallery_remote2.php, both of which were present in my gallery/ directory following install of Gallery 1.5 (I have never installed Gallery 2).
I am really confused as to what is going on because it appears that GR is searching for a gr2.php file residing in a gallery1.5 directory. Is this the way it should be?
The script you suggested has now replaced the original contents of the gallery_remote.php as well as gallery_remote2.php files, until you suggest otherwise.
Thank you for helping with this!
Posts: 1479
Gruenwald, in G1 (Gallery 1.x) you have gallery_remote.php and gallery_remote2.php, but GR 1.5 only looks for gallery_remote2.php.
The suggestion to create the gallery_remote2.php that just sends a 404 error header is only for G2, not G1.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 19
paour... Thank you for that information. I have replaced the 2 original php files into the gallery1.5 directory:
I now have->
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 7807 Oct 12 06:16 gallery_remote.php
which contains:-
I also have->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33564 Oct 12 06:18 gallery_remote2.php
containing:If you wish to see those 2 php files in their entirety, I will be happy to send them, as well.
I get the same GR login error message as before
As a final matter, I am still only able to start GR, using the following command:
# java -jar GalleryRemote.jar
Could that play a part in this problem?
Thanks, once more...
Posts: 1479
Now that you have the normal files, could you attach a GR log of trying to connect?
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 19
I just sent you a copy by PM.