CSS not showing in embedded gallery in cpgnuke


Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 03:01

After much searching... through this forum, google, and my files on the server... I can't seem to figure out why the CSS stylesheet fails to load (there's enough of them in various files scattered around the server :lol: )

We are using the latest CPG-nuke 9.0.1 and gallery 1.5-RC2.

It loads the stylesheet when the gallery is accessed by itself...

But does not, when accessed as an embedded gallery...


signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 03:31

Gallery doesn't use skins when embedded. It attempts to maintain the look and feel of the surrounding CMS.


Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 06:41

Gallery previously used its own stylesheet which is why I was wondering.

Guess I will just add the needed styles in /themes/cpgnuke/style/style.css

thanks for quick reply signe! :D