main.php blank after import


Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 06:17

Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: g2b1
Webserver (with version): Apache/2.0.46
Datatabase (with version): mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): PHP 4.3.2 (cgi), Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Zend Technologies

phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): ImageMagick 5.5.6
Operating system: RedHat Enterprise 3.0
Web browser/version: Firefox
G1 version (for migration bugs): 1.4.1-pl1

I finally decided to setup my gallery again and figured I would give Gallery2 a go. I set it up just fine, configured the modules and went to do an import. Pointed it at the data directory for my old Gallery 1 albums and set it loose. It went through and said it was importing all the images but stopped with a sliver of the progress bar left white. The page had finished loading so it wasn't going to be updating any further.

Just to make sure it was done I checked top on the box and nothing was taking the CPU. So in another browser window I tried to load the main page and all I get is a blank page. The source consists of "<html><body></body></html>"

I tried to run the setup routine again and it finished sucessfully but the main page is still blank on load. There are no errors in the apache error_log and the page loads with a 200 status.

Any suggestions?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 07:16

did you create a .htaccess file in you ? delete it
how many images/albums did you try to import at once? the import tool is constantly improving and G2B1 is almost obsolete by now ...

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 07:21

enable immediate debug mode in config.php and retry.. see if any error messages show up in the debug output.

jmullan's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 974
Posted: Mon, 2005-03-14 18:37

Despite valiant's eagerness, I haven't made any significant changes to the migration module since G2B1. However, there have been other changes to G2. Please try turning on debugging and possibly upgrading G2 to the latest nightly. Thanks a bunch!


Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 18:02

Here is what I get with debug.

(mysqlt): SELECT g2_Entity.g_id, g2_Entity.g_creationTimestamp, g2_Entity.g_isLinkable, g2_Entity.g_linkId, g2_Entity.g_modificationTimestamp, g2_Entity.g_serialNumber, g2_Entity.g_entityType, g2_Entity.g_onLoadHandlers, g2_ChildEntity.g_parentId, g2_Derivative.g_derivativeSourceId, g2_Derivative.g_derivativeOperations, g2_Derivative.g_derivativeOrder, g2_Derivative.g_derivativeSize, g2_Derivative.g_derivativeType, g2_Derivative.g_mimeType, g2_Derivative.g_postFilterOperations, g2_DerivativeImage.g_width, g2_DerivativeImage.g_height FROM g2_Entity, g2_ChildEntity, g2_Derivative, g2_DerivativeImage WHERE g2_Entity.g_id IN (172) AND g2_ChildEntity.g_id=g2_Entity.g_id AND g2_Derivative.g_id=g2_Entity.g_id AND g2_DerivativeImage.g_id=g2_Entity.g_id file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ file_exists(/home/dom/ (mysqlt): SELECT g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_toolkitId, g2_TkOperatnMap.g_outputMimeType FROM g2_TkOperatnMap, g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap WHERE g2_TkOperatnMap.g_name = g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_operationName AND g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_mimeType = 'image/jpeg' AND g2_TkOperatnMap.g_name = 'crop' ORDER BY g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_priority ASC (mysqlt): SELECT g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_toolkitId, g2_TkOperatnMap.g_outputMimeType FROM g2_TkOperatnMap, g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap WHERE g2_TkOperatnMap.g_name = g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_operationName AND g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_mimeType = 'image/jpeg' AND g2_TkOperatnMap.g_name = 'thumbnail' ORDER BY g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap.g_priority ASC GdToolkit::performOperation(image/jpeg,crop,/home/dom/,/home/dom/,19.058|25.411|67.254|67.254) Lock id 0 was left hanging! fclose(Resource id #199)

I will try the latest nightly as well.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 20:57

either disable Gd module and use imagemagick/netpbm instead or increase the memory available for PHP so Gd may be able to function..
you can find direct links to login/site admin in README.html