Image folders organization

davidrios's picture

Joined: 2005-03-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 15:12

hi, i'm starting to use this amazing software, i want to congratulate for the exelent software!!

I just have one suggestion (or maybe it can already be done but i couldn't find how)

i think that gallery should allow to select the folder where the images are, and not create a folder for each album. I want to put all my photos online, and i saw that i would have to had 2 times each photo. One in my folder where i have all my pictures, which by the way have a lot of subfolder, and the other on the gallery folder.

The other inconvinience with that is that i can't tell gallery to create subfolders, so if i earase my original photos to have them all in the gallery folder, it would be very dificult to find pictures if i want to burn them, or anything.

One last suggestion, the software should also allow to create a separate folder for the resized photos and thumbnails.

Well i hope that with my poor english you can understand me!"!!



Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-20 17:10

Gallery has been this way since the beginning and unfortunatly, I don't thinkt he directory structure is going to change. It is meant to be your repository of online images, not a 2nd copy of it. Once you have all your online images in gallery, you don't really need them else where on your website, but of course having an offline backup is a good idea.

Gallery does create sub-folders, but not sub-sub folders. So the "virtual" album /Dogs/ThisDog ends up being just "/ThisDog" to gallery and the parents (and children) info is simply stored in a file. You CAN rename the folder the images are stored in, instead of having it be "album01" and "album02". This should simplifie figuring out where images are.

As to the putting thumbs and sized images in a different folder, thats not a bad idea but...

Gallery 1.x is ending its lifespan, coming to a close. Gallery 2 is in beta and slowly working its way tward final.