[SOLVED] Errors Upgrading core


Joined: 2003-03-15
Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-24 00:02

I realise someone's posted similar seeming error messages, but they don't seem to be the same as mine.

I'm trying to do a clean install by FTP onto my space hosted by Westhost at the moment.. I'm hoping to import my old 1.4's photo folders into it later.

Everything goes smoothly until upgrading the core, then it does loads of errors and won't let me continue.

I had installed Alpha 4 there a while back no problems, though since then I've upgraded mySQL and modPHP etc. (should be no traces of A4, im installing to different directories, and dropped the old test A4's SQL table etc.)


* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage.class at line 1162 (MySqlDatabaseStorage::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 241 (MySqlDatabaseStorage::execute)
* in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 330 (GalleryStorage::execute)
* in modules/core/module.inc at line 512 (CoreModule::upgrade)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class at line 137 (CoreModule::upgrade)
* in upgrade/steps/UpgradeCoreModuleStep.class at line 68 (CoreModule::installOrUpgrade)
* in upgrade/index.php at line 155 (UpgradeCoreModuleStep::loadTemplateData)

The debug output itself is huge, so I'll give you a link to it as a text.. The error report

Sorry if I should be able to work it out from that myself.. I've tried redoing the whole process from scratch a few times with no luck.

Thanks for your time.



Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: G2B1
Webserver (with version): Apache (not sure of version)
Datatabase (with version): MySQL 4.1.9
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 5.0.3 I think
phpinfo URL (optional): ?
Graphics Toolkit(s): Netpbm
Operating system: OsX local, Redhat remote
Web browser/version: Firefox / Safari
G1 version (for migration bugs): n/a

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-24 06:09

If you see the upgrader right after a clean install then something has already gone wrong. After going through the installer do you have a file called versions.dat in your g2data directory? if so, what are the contents? if you want to PM me ssh/ftp access to your server i can try to debug.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-24 17:27

You have this problem on your server. Make the config change suggested in that topic, access gallery/test.php I placed on your server and make sure it doesn't crash (try it now to see it crash), clear out all the tables I left in your db (sorry!) and rerun the installer.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-24 18:03

I modified SystemChecksStep on your server to help you run this test.. i'll commit the same change to cvs to help others with this configuration.


Joined: 2003-03-15
Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-24 19:57

Before I changed the thing in php.ini it popped up a box saying it couldn't load - now it says

"stdClass Object ()" - So I'm guessing that's progress, I'll get on to installing the gallery again...

- It works! Thank you so much. :D