Newbie functional question


Joined: 2005-03-29
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-29 23:49

I was wondering if when the Gallery creates those thumbnails if I could link each one to special script page I want to run should someone click on the thumbnail...

I don't want to go through the trouble of installing Gallery if I can't, and I've seen blogs that have pages created on the fly and so the pages content doesn't pre-exsist for linking, and only general layout formating is possible
- if you know what I mean.

So can I link the created thumbnails in Gallery, each to their own page?

Thanks for the info!

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 06:44

I don't understand the question. Can you give a concrete example?


Joined: 2005-03-29
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 16:33

Sure -

What I was creating (on my own) was a page of thumbnail images, that when someone clicked on one they of course saw a bigger rendering of that thumbnail, but also were given the opportunity to run a php script of mine to allow them to add a short caption, in an input filed above the image, then submit button would then take them to a new rendering of the image with their caption showing above for printing.

These images are simple line drawings for handicapped individuals with speech problems. The images are free for the printing and non-commercial use with these special needs people.

Someone on my script forum suggested the Gallery - I assume for uploading features and auto thumbnail feature, but for me to run my add-a-caption feature (without having logging-in or permanently captions).
I will need to add my form elements to the full size image page. And each form would have to post to its own special php page (about 300), so I can't just add a couple of lines of code to a template or such.

- off subject -unless I could find a way to dynamically call the right image into my php page (which I don't know how to do).

Anyway... this is my problem and question - before I get in to deeply to the Gallery software and have to do a bunch a customizing. Are the full size image pages that open off of the thumbnails created on the fly from a template or are they individual pages that exist? To which I can add custom code...

I hope that gives a better picture :-)

Thanks for your help!


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 17:01

do you have a link to a demo of your image + caption -> image incl. caption thing?
i'm not sure if i understand correctly what you mean. Not sure why you need 300 individual scripts.

however, Gallery2 (/Gallery1) build all pages dynamically. and you could change a few single files/templates to apply a change for all images in G2 / add links in the pages etc.


Joined: 2005-03-29
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 17:14

Yes - Here is a link to the test page I was working on for the full image and add-a-caption option. Go ahead and type in a couple of words and click the add caption button.

It sounds like Gallery 2 might work for my needs, I guess I don't need 300 scripts for each image if I can use Gallery :-) - thanks for checking this out and letting me know your thoughts.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 17:21

i see. there are plenty of possibilities and features around this picture + caption thing that could be done in gallery2 (G2). i'm sure you'll have questions when trying to learn how G2 works and how you could create a module that does what you want. feel free to ask questions in the G2 forums.


Joined: 2005-03-29
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2005-03-30 17:23

Thanks, I'll do that . . .