failed upload causes delete problem


Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2005-04-05 13:46


I had to cancel an image upload half way through, and now i have a blank image that i can't delete. Is there any way to do this manually?

thanks, iain.

Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: Gallery 2 Beta 1 (Dark Fibre)
Webserver (with version): Apache 1.3.26
Datatabase (with version): Mysql 3.23.49
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.10
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): gd
Operating system: Linux 2.4.27
Web browser/version: Firefox 1.0.1
G1 version (for migration bugs):

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-04-05 16:14

"can't delete".. more info please?


Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2005-04-05 23:35

Under <<item actions>> I select delete photo. The page reloads but the photo is still there.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-04-06 15:06

picking 'delete photo' won't delete the photo.. it brings up a page showing some photos from that album with the one you chose already checked. you must click delete on that page to delete the photo. are you saying you never saw that page, that 'delete photo' just refreshed the album view? what if you pick 'delete photo' for a different photo in the same album?