Reorganizing Albums

Meelmuis's picture

Joined: 2003-05-12
Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 2005-04-06 08:28


At this moment my albums are setup with 3 colums and 3 rows.
I would like to set that to 5 colums and 2 rows. But I do not have the option to apply that setting to all albums. Now I need to create a new album with this settings and add the photos again. But then I lose all info about that album. For example how many times the pictures have been viewed. Maybe it is an option to create an option for this?

Or is there an option that I keep that info by creating a new album?



signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Wed, 2005-04-06 08:34

FAQ Gallery:c.34

You can change the value in the top-level album and select 'Apply to sub-albums' and all of the children will take the new value.

Meelmuis's picture

Joined: 2003-05-12
Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 2005-04-06 09:50

Oke, thnx that worked. I now moved all the albums in to a new rootalbum and used the setting you mentioned. And indeed the settings are like I want them to be now in all albums. But one other thing did not work.
When i uploaded all my photos the settings said that the photos were displayed in 3 dimensions: the thumbnail, the resized image and the full photo. Now I only want the thumbnail and the resized image to be displayed and that gallery REMOVES all the full size photos.. To save diskspace. But when i change the settings in the configwizard and reopen the gallery he doesnt remove the already existing full photos and the full photos are still displayed until i remove the permissions for full photos.. is there a way to manage that?




Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Wed, 2005-04-06 10:25

Those settings apply to new albums. You need to set them on a per album basis as well. You might also try searching the forums for "myresize" or "my resize" which is a great script for doing what you want.