Hi all,
I'm trying to upgrade G2 Beta1 to Beta2, but I get this error:
Stack Trace:
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage.class at line 1236 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 261 (mysqldatabasestorage::addmapentry)
in modules/core/classes/interfaces/GalleryMimeTypeMap.inc at line 96 (gallerystorage::addmapentry)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple.class at line 213 (gallerymimetypemap::addmapentry)
in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 343 (gallerymimetypehelper_simple::initializemimetypes)
in modules/core/module.inc at line 515 (coremoduleextras::upgrade)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class at line 137 (coremodule::upgrade)
in upgrade/steps/UpgradeCoreModuleStep.class at line 72 (coremodule::installorupgrade)
in upgrade/index.php at line 152 (upgradecoremodulestep::processrequest)
Debug Output:
(mysql): SHOW TABLES
Binding text domain: modules_core ->
file(/home2/gracanic/g2data//versions.dat, )
and so on...
I've unpacked gallery .tgz on server, and server is running on Cent OS 3.4, Apache 1.3.33, PHP 4.3.11, MySQL 4.0.23.
Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: G2 Beta1
Webserver (with version): Apache 1.3.33
Datatabase (with version): mysql 4.0.23
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.11
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system: Linux CentOS 3.4
Web browser/version: Konqueror 3.4
G1 version (for migration bugs):
Posts: 32509
looks like the common mimetypemap error.
the "and so on..." isn't very informative. could you post the complete error, even if it's a little long?
try deleting the entry
g_extension g_mimeType g_viewable =
Bearbeiten Löschen z application/x-compress 0
in your database table g2_MimeTypeMap and try again.
Posts: 5
I've tried to delete entries you mentioned, but again got an error, now here's the full output
Posts: 8601
what is the structure of your g2x_MimeTypeMap table?
(desc g2x_MimeTypeMap)
Posts: 5
Right now it's:
(right now gallery database is restored from backup, but when I tried this second upgrade I've deleted some data from that table, as valiant said...)
Posts: 5
Sorry, I've messed up with deletion of data in g2_MimeTypeMap table, I've tried another upgrade after restored backup of db, and here's the full error info:
Posts: 5
Solved, I emptied table g2_MimeTypeMap, and upgrade went without any problems...
Posts: 7994
Not sure what is causing this, but I added some code to GalleryMimeTypeHelper_simple::initializeMimeTypes() to empty the map before initializing so that should resolve this problem (and maybe later we'll figure out the root cause).