Change slideshow layout.


Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-21 16:12

I have changed the menu that shows up above the pictures in a slideshow to say "Click HERE to hide slideshow menu" instead of reading "[-]".

It works fine.

My question is how do I add a linebreak after "Click HERE to hide slideshow menu" so that all the menu options show up underneath "Click HERE to hide slideshow menu"" and justified left. Currently it looks like it's underneath but starts shifted to the right.

I imagine I would have to insert a line break between


<div style="float:left">
<a onclick="tools_onoff();return false">
<span id="tools" style="margin:0;padding:0">
{g->text text="[Click HERE to hide slideshow menu]"}

and This:

<div id="gsContent" class="gcBorder1">
<div id="toolbar" class="gbBlock gcBackground1">
<a id="stop" href="{g->url arg1="view=core:ShowItem"
{g->text text="Stop"}
<a href="#" onclick="start_stop();return false">
<span id="pause">{g->text text="Pause"}</span>
<a href="#" onclick="jump(-2);return false">
{g->text text="Back One Image"}
<a href="#" onclick="text_onoff();return false">
<span id="moreInfo">{g->text text="Show More Info"}</span>


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-04-21 17:49

just add ;display:block after padding:0
or change the span to a div