"Owner" of linked items


Joined: 2005-01-12
Posts: 103
Posted: Mon, 2005-04-25 13:44

I may not know what's really supposed to be going on with links, but I would think that an item's original owner should be reflected even when that item is linked to in an album owned by someone else. Am I being to narrow in my thinking?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-04-25 15:31

the item owner is not the person who took the photo. it's the person who has the rights to do remove, ... the item. the linked item should be owned by the person who creates link such that this person can do everything with the linked item.


Joined: 2005-01-12
Posts: 103
Posted: Mon, 2005-04-25 18:52

That makes sense. I was thinking of owner at author. Is there a way to attribution, so I can give credit to the artist on a linked image?

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2005-04-30 21:22

You can use the custom fields module and add an "Author" field to the photo, then store the author's name there...