I would like to know if there is a way to show the description of the album (NOT THE ITEMS) during the slideshow?
I find the code in slidshow.tpl is related to the item title as below:
<span id="title_{$i}">{$it.data.title|markup}</span>
However, I have no idea how to show the description of the album
Can somebody give me ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 8601
Posts: 25
Thanks for your hint.
I have gone through the code of slideshow. However I still can't figure out how to apply {$Slideshow.item.description|markup} such that the description of the album will be shown up during the slideshow.
Could you mind showing me the steps to achieve it?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 8601
put it somewhere in a local Slideshow.tpl
Posts: 25
Hi mindless,
I put the statements in red in a local slideshow.tpl.
Instead of showing the album description, the system show
{.item.description|markup} .
Could you help to modify the code such that is will show the description?
Thanks in advance.
<div id="gsContent">
{g->text text={$Slideshow.item.description|markup}}
{foreach from=$SlideShow.itemList key=i item=it}
<div style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute">
{foreach from=$it.sources key=j item=source}
<a id="item_{$i}_{$j}"
href="{g->url arg1="view=core:DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$source.id`"
<a id="href_{$i}" href="{g->url arg1="view=core:ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$it.id`"}"></a>
<span id="title_{$i}">{$it.data.title|markup}</span>
<span id="summary_{$i}">{$it.data.summary|markup}</span>
<span id="date_{$i}">
{if isset($it.exif.DateTime)}
{$it.exif.DateTime.title}: {$it.exif.DateTime.value}
{capture name="date"}{g->date timestamp=$it.data.modificationTimestamp}{/capture}
{g->text text="Date: %s" arg1=$smarty.capture.date}
<span id="description_{$i}">{$it.data.description|markup}</span>
Posts: 8601
uh, just {$Slideshow.item.description|markup}
take out the {g->text .. }
Posts: 25
Hi mindless,
Thanks for your reply again.
I have followed your guide and tried many times but in vein.
The description of the albums didn't show.
Please find attached the slideshow template.
gallery2.2005-04-27-08-36-46.tar.gz is in use.
Could you guide me to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 8601
sorry, it's $SlideShow not $Slideshow as I said above.
I added: {$SlideShow.item.description|markup}
right after: {else}
near the top of Slideshow.tpl and it shows up.
make sure the album you're testing actually has a description.. (edit album / general tab)
Posts: 25
Brilliant mindless!!
Done. thanks!