Installing G2 with Oracle 10g


Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-01 19:13

Has anybody gotten G2 working with Oracle 10i? I'm new to Gallery & PHP (and it's been a while since I worked with Oracle), but at step 7 of the install process, things crap out.
The installer first had trouble creating the g2_FactoryMap table, but I got around that (somehow, I forget :-/) and now it's dying while creating the BIT_OR_IMPL type. I'll continue chasing through the code for this, but perhaps somebody can save me an hour or ten by posting a clue?

dave m.

Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version:Gallery 2 Beta 2
Webserver (with version):Apache 2.0.52
Datatabase (with version):Oracle 10g (
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):4.3.11
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system: Linux 2.6.9
Web browser/version: Firefox 1.0.2
G1 version (for migration bugs):

install-errors.tar.gz24.09 KB
mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-01 19:28

search this forum for past topics about Oracle.. we haven't been able to find a syntax for CreateBitOr.sql that works reliably across oracle versions.. you can experiment with the commands in this file and see what works.. if you can tweak this file and make an install from clean db work correctly let us know. Another option is to start with an empty db, apply the commands in that file manually and then rename the file so it doesn't end in .sql and proceed with the install.


Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-01 19:58

I'd tried to search for Oracle, but the feature didn't appear to be working. But knowing the bit about "rename the sql file so it doesn't get reapplied" was the key. I don't know what's wrong with CreateBitOr.sql; I just copied & pasted into an sqlplus session and it worked OK.

Install I have to figure out

Database Error
An error has occurred while interacting with the database. 

Thanks for the help!