notifying viewers of new/changed Gallery content

haggis's picture

Joined: 2004-05-27
Posts: 17
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-08 14:09

I don't know if this is something that has been discussed. An hour of searching on the forums hasn't yielded anything meaningful, so here goes.....

G2 installation has user registration/album creation disabled (also comments, BTW). Admin wants to automagically update a known list of regular visitors of new/updated content via email.

Of course this could be done manually, but that seems self defeating. What would be most desirable is something that generates an output something like this:

Case 1 - addition to an existing album

Hi $someone,
Content has been added on http://somewhere.tld/gallery/main.php to this album:

or :D

Case 2 - addition of album(s)

Hi $someone,
A new albums have been created on http://somewhere.tld/gallery/main.php
so head on over there and check out:

Does the panel know if this exists or not, and if not what approach would be the best in order to create this functionality?

Regards & TIA,

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-08 14:57