Album Select Module


Joined: 2003-05-08
Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-10 01:13

Question about "hacking" this module.

Is there a way to, by default, display the tree expanded to the currently selected album on the tree?

When I click an album on the tree (without expanding it first), I'm taken to the album page. However, when I arrive there, the tree is still not expanded to reveal the sub-albums within, even though I'm currently viewing the album itself (and seeing the sub-albums).

Does that make sense? The selected album is italicized, so I know there must be a way to also expand a selected album by default. I tried playing with the code first, honest. I think the openTo() function might be what I'm looking for, but I can't get it to work. I just don't have the skill.
