I was wondering if there is a way to change the breadcrumb to show the main gallery title as "Home".
Right now it shows "(Main album title)>>child title"
I want it to show "Home>>child title"
I want to be able to do this without changing the main album title so that way it shows the title in the IE window frame.
I have looked in layouts/matrix/templates/pathbar.tpl and cannot figure it out.
Posts: 8601
see how it puts firstChild? use the same if to put in your custom text.
Posts: 11
which firstchild line of text?
also I'm not sure on how to write the custom text in?
Posts: 8601
hm, i guess you need both actually..
Posts: 11
Ok couple problems with this.
1. when you view the main album, the title still shows what ever you name the main album and not "Home" but when you view a sub album it switches to "Home>>sub-album"
2. the hyperlinks links disappear
Posts: 11
thanks for your hard work but i went another route and hard coded the window title and deleted the album title code do get it to do what i wanted.
Posts: 8601
ok.. just for reference..
1) the 2nd code block above is for when you're viewing the top level album
2) maybe you didn't put the code blocks in the right place