Resizing full sized images gliches

LizMarr's picture

Joined: 2003-02-18
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 19:39


Ok, here's what I'm doing - there's got to be an easier way.

What I would like is a method to resize the ORIGINAL images that are stored on the server (not the mid-sized ones) Many hundreds of my images I uploaded full-size without editing. After the recent bit about copyrights and image ownership, I've decided to turn off printing for my near-commercial stuff and to resize them down to something that can't be downloaded and printed at home or uploaded onto a printing site. So, I'm now going album by album and downloading the imgaes, resizing them using a bulk resizing tool, and uploading them back to the albums where they came from. Everything is well and good (but time consuming) EXCEPT that the gallery doesn't know the images are now resized and when the link for the Full-sized image is clicked, gallery displays it using the past dimensions. So, the images are just a bit distorted because they are enlarged beyond their current size.

My questions are these - why use a size designation on the page at all? (since it is full size - just display it) and would it be possible to either provide a method of getting gallery to reset the Full-sized image dimensions OR, best scenario of all, make a function simular to the one for resizing the mid-size images where the full-sized ones could be resized one or all in the album?


I'm going to see if I can find the "my resize" script mentioned in one of the other posts and see if it could have saved me some work.
