Moving the language block from sidebar | Sidebar width

xinca's picture

Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 86
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 11:16

I have two questions:

1. Is there a way to move the language block from sidebar to page top header? I managed to move the search box but language is more complex.

2. Any chance I can adjust sidebar width? I want to show the album tree and is about 100 pixel overrun the default value (using 120 pixel thumbnail).



mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 14:26

1. see this topic.. using the same technique and local tpls will allow you to put system content blocks elsewhere on the page.

2. width for matrix layout sidebar is in templates/layout.css; you can make a local css to change this.

xinca's picture

Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 86
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-25 04:04

1. I have read that topic before posting this request, as I thought there is a way to get around the "depend on which modules are installed"... May be I have to live with the thought of "This is one of many UI issues that's on our radar" during the beta cycle : (

2. It works pefectly. Thanks!